Conversation on the book “Belgrade Genealogies”
by Boris Milosavljevic, Oct. 4th at 7:30 PM

  Small Hall, Monday, October 4th at 7:30 PM Participants: academician Ljubodrag Dimić, PhD Vojislav Pavlović and the author PhD Boris Milosavljević has published a new book entitled Belgrade Genealogies, published by the Balkan Institute of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts (444 pages). The book presents a number of important genealogies, which in…

9/28 at 6 PM – Conversation about the book
“Diary 1915-1916” by Aleksandar Đ. Lazić

Tuesday, September 28th at 6 PM Participants: PhD Jasmina Milanović, PhD Radovan Pilipović, Zoran Kolundžija and PhD Stanislav Sretenović   The diary of Aleksandar Lazić (1901–1960), a fourteen-year-old from a Belgrade officer’s house originally from Šumadija, who during the First World War participated in the withdrawal of the Serbian army through Serbia, Montenegro and Albania,…

Prof. Miloš Arsenijević’s lectures
on YouTube channel “Slušate Kolarac”

THE BIRTH OF WESTERN EUROPEAN SCIENCE AND PHILOSOPHY Lecturer prof. Miloš Arsenijević, PhD, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade Miletus physicists: Thales, Anaximander and Anaximenes (May 18) The method of reduction to the absurd in Parmenides and Zeno (May 25) Atomism of Leucippus and Democritus in response to Zeno (June 1)   Anaxagoras consistent infinitism:…

New on YouTube channel “Slusate Kolarac”:
audio recordings of lecture series

Lecture series SCIENCE AND PSEUDOSCIENCE PSEUDOSCIENTIFIC AND SCIENTIFIC DISASTERS Lecturer PhD. Milan M. Ćirković, scientific advisor, Astronomical Observatory in Belgrade   SCIENCE AND PSEUDOSCIENCE: EXAMPLES FROM BIOLOGY Lecturer PhD. Aleksej Tarasjev, scientific advisor, Institute for Biological Research “Sinisa Stankovic”   ARCHAEOLOGY AND PSEUDOARCHAEOLOGY Lecturer PhD. Aleksandar Palavestra, full professor, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade…