Contact: 0112630480, 0112639502, 0648911356, 0648911344; email: skola@kolarac.rs

GENERAL COURSES The classes (1 x 90 minutes) are held twice a week for 4 months. Total number of classes – 70

INTENSIVE COURSES The classes (2 x 45 minutes) are held four times a week for 2 months. Total number of classes – 70

CAMBRIDGE JUNIOR COURSES – Starters, Movers and Flyers for children aged 9 – 12. The classes (1 x 90 minutes) are held once a week for 8 months.

GRAMMAR COURSES WITH CONVERSATION Total number of classes – 18

TEXTBOOK: Headway Beginner, Oxford 

At the end of The Starter Course, the students should be able to:

Introduce themselves and greet each other
Describe The Family, Flat and to make Comparisons
Say what they know or don’t know
Express The Current, Habitual and Future Activities.
Discuss The Weather, Health, Food, Drink, Clothes, Leisure Time and Sport
Discuss their Duties
Give suggestions, advice and ask for permission
The Phone Conversation

TEXTBOOK: Headway Elementary, Oxford


The Past Simple Tense, Past Continuous Tense
The Present Perfect Simple/Continuous, The Future Continuous
Used to, Few, Many, Little, Much
The Comparison with more & most, Modals (present, future, past)
Reflexive Pronouns, Relative Pronouns, Prepositions for Time and Place
Reported Speech (commands, statements and questions)


Work and Leisure
Childhood, Household Appliances
Characters (likes/dislikes), Food
Means of Transport – preferences
Duties, Education
Travelling and Holidays, Personal Experiences
Life in The Future, Learning Experiences in Learning

At the end of The Elementary Course A1, the trainee is expected to:

Discuss The Past, Present Perfect and Future activities
Discuss the Habits in the Past, The Duties and Capacities
Ask for and give Advice.
Decscribe and Compare People, Home, Eating Habits and Capabilities
Discuss Travelling, Film, Books, Sport, Restaurants and their Professions
Write a Postcard, A Short Description of a Famous Person or Fill in The Application Form

TEXTBOOK: Total English – Pre-Intermediate, Pearson Longman


Present Simple and Present Continuous
Past Simple, Past Continuous,
Present Perfect Continuous, Past Perfect,
Modals (can, cannot, should, should not)
Comparative and Superlative,
Expressing Intentions and Wishes
Wh-words, Articles, Temporal Relative Clauses
Phrase used to, Gerund, Relative Clauses, some & any
Reported Speech, Conditional Sentences


Leisure, Entertainment, Films
Learning, Holidays, Future Plans, Dreams
Modern and Traditional, Shopping,
ITTechnologies, Health, Work, Money
Description of Homes and Flats
Decscribe The Appearance of People.

At the end of The Pre-Intermediate Course A2 (1st part), the trainee is expected to:

Understand and Use The Everyday Expressions and Phrases.
Discuss The Common Activities (ex. To order food and drink in a restaurant, to ask for and buy something in a store, to make a hotel reservation…)
Ask questions about Personal Infromation, Profession, Interests, Plans and favourite activities
Talk and write about well-known topics using short sentences

TEXTBOOK: Total English – Pre-Intermediate, Pearson Longman

At the end of The Pre-Intermediate Course A2 (2nd part), the trainee is expected to:

Talk about The Everyday Topics, Relations between People, Books, Job, Health, Travelling, Tradition, Habits, Money
Decscribe The Appearance and Temper of The People
Ask questions and give answers about Personal Information, Experiences and The Past Activities
Express The Attitude, Supposition and Give Advice or Instructions

TEXTBOOK: Total English – Intermediate, Pearson Longman


Present Simple and Continuous, Past Simple and Continuous
Present Perfect Simple and Past Simple
Past Perfect and Past Simple
Comparison of The Present and The Past, Comparative and Superlative
Intentions and Plans for The Future, -ed and -ing adjectives, Passives
Wh-words, Polite Requests, Relative Clauses (defining)
Real and hypothetical possibilities with If
Reported speech, Reported questions, Perfect Infinitive, III Conditional


People and their Relationships
Describing Homes and Cities, Describing People
Life Stories, Training and Work, Social Occasions
News and Media, Society and Change
Rules and Behaviour, Life Dilemmas and Decisions

At the end of The Intermediate Course B1.1 & B2 (1st ,2nd part), the trainee is expected to:

Talk about ones Lifestory and describe the environment (ex. People, Places, Work, School)
Talk about Plans, Habits, Past Activities and Experiences
Talk about Preferances with certain explanations
Is able to explain ones Attitudes
Make The Presentation using short and meaningful sentences with description of People, Work and Lifestyles
Know how to write Messsages and Short Letters

TEXTBOOK: Total English – Intermediate, Pearson Longman
Intermediate B1 (2nd part)


Polite Requests, Will, Impersonal It, tend to + verb
Defining Relative Clauses, The Quantifiers, The Modals
Verb Phrases for Quantity and Quality, Intonation
Real and hypothetical possibilities with If
Reported Speech and Reported Question
Obligation and Permission in The Present, Obligation and Permission in The Past
Perfect Infinitives, Linking Words, Infinitives and Gerunds


Going Around The World, Foreign Visitors
Social Occasions, Inventors, „Thank you-phrases”
Future, Society and Change, The Lucky Generation
Giving Opinions, Logic Puzzles
Robberies, Freedom of Choice
Finding and describing Solutions to Problems

At the end of Intermediate Course B1 (2nd part), the trainee is expected to:

Make Polite Requests
Learn different phrases
Practised Making Social Arrangements
Practised Defining Relative Clauses
Make some Future Predictions
Role-Play a Dialogue, Discussion

TEXTBOOK: Total English – Upper-Intermediate, Pearson Longman


Auxiliary Verbs, Prefixes, Suffixes
Sequences of Tenses (The Past Simple and Past Continuous, The Past Perfect and Past Perfect Continuous)
Passive, Word Order in a Sentence
The Present Perfect Simple and Continuous,
Articles, Relative Clauses, Infinitive, Gerund, Modals
The Future Tenses, Hypothetical Clauses


Past, Present and Future Activities
Work and Employment, Personal Qualities
Skills, Sports, Leisure, Food, Cooking, Pet
Education, Exams
Cooperation and Competition in The World of Business

At the end of Intermediate Course B2 (1st part), the trainee is expected to:

Express Logically and Clearly ones Interests
Express Logically Ones Experiences and Certain Reactions
Describe Unpredictable Events, such as Accidents
Describe Dreams, Hopes and Ambitions
Discuss Factual and Unrealistic Events
Discuss The Attitudes, Plans and Actions Argumentatively

TEXTBOOK: Total English – Upper-Intermediate, Pearson Longman


Relative Clauses
Quantifiers and some, any, Infinitive, Gerund
Wordspot – about, Modals (Present, Past Forms)
Verb Need, Forms: In case, If
Future Continuous and Future Perfect
Hypothetical Situations in The Past, Reported Speech


Celebrations, Big Events In The World
Social Situations, Argument
Organising An International Event, Competition
Medical Advances, Inventions and Discoveries, Achievements

At the end of Intermediate Course B2 (2nd part), the trainee is expected to:

Read for Gist and Specific Information
Listen for Specific Information connected with Politics
Practise Writing Formal Letters
Revise The Use of Future Tenses
Report People’s Exact Words

This course is designed for students upon completion of the Upper-Intermediate Course 2 who do not want to attend preparation courses for Cambridge. It is also intended for those who want to raise the language skills to a higher level before attending a preparatory course CAE.

TEXTBOOK: SPRINT 2 – Bookstore – Education Center, Kneza Miloša 19
The Junior 1 English Course is designed for children in lower grades of Elementary School who have mastered the Latin alphabet.


Present Simple, Adverbs of Frequency, Present Continuous
Imperative: jump up and down, turn around, sit down, have got / haven ‘t got
Modal verb can / can’t for Ability
Expressions there is / there are
Who / Where / What, Verb LIKE, Cardinal Numbers to 100.


Alphabet, School, Classroom, Objects, Numbers
Pets, Domestic and Wild Animals
Colours, Vehicles, Clothing
Buildings in The Cit
Fruits and Vegetables
Parts of The Body
Sports, Months of The Year, Feelings and Mood

At the end of The Junior 1 English Course, students should know

how to introduce themselves, describe themselves, a friend, family membe
to say a few words about the things they love, to describe the weather
to say what sort of food they like or dislike
to know how to say what time it is, how they feel

Junior 2 English Course is designed for high grades of Elementary School trainees.


The verb TO BE and Possessive Adjectives my / your / our / their
Prepositions for Time and Place, have got and the Saxon Genitive
Plural, Present Simple and Adverbs of Frequency
Word Order in a Sentence, like / love / hate followed by a noun or gerund
Present Continuous, Possessive and Demonstrative Pronouns
Countable and Uncountable nouns, some / any
Expression I’d like the verb to be in past tense
Interrogative Words When / Where / Who
Simple – regular and irregular verbs
Present Continuous for arrangements in the Future, must / mustn’t
Expression There is / are, Expression going to, to make proposals.


Nationality, Country, Occupation, Description of Cities
Homes and Furniture, Family, Describe People
Schools and School Subjects, Days of the Week, Telling The Time
Sports and Types of Music
Daily Routine, Hobbies and Extracurricular activities
Skills, Clothes and Colours, Food
Months of The Year, Space Exploration, Animals
Navigation and Giving Instructions on The Street.

At the end of The Junior 2 English Course, students should know how to:

Play and learn similar information from the other trainees, Describe their hometown and their room, Describe and compare people, Talk about things they like and what their friends like.
Talk about their leisure activities, Housework, talk about their and others’ abilities in The Present Tense, Compare Interests, Describe the clothes they wear, Talk about the present activities, mostly about food, order a meal in a restaurant, understand the information on prices, buy something in a shop.
Talk about where they were and what happened.
Trainees should use the most frequent verbs, Arrange a Meeting with friends and talk about future plans and intentions, Make Suggestions, Talk about the Rules, Understand and give instructions on the street.
They should know how to read and understand information from advertisements, Write a simple description of the city in which they live, Send and respond to e-mail or a letter to their friends,
Write a simple recipe and an invitation to entertain the friends, write a simple display about each other’s daily activities, write a simple resume and letter of thanks in the form of letters.

Junior 3 English Course is designed for high grades of Elementary School trainees who take a Classification.Examination for The Junior 3.


The verb to be, Present Simple Tense,Present Continuous Tense,
have got, Regular and Irregular Verbs
Past Simple Tense, Past Continuous Tense
The Prediction will / won’t, should / shouldn’t, can / could in Applications
Comparison of Adjectives, can / could for he Ability,
First Conditional, Gerund
Present Continuous, going to, will in the future.


Leisure Activities, Habits, Housework, Dressing Objects
Favorite Places, Films, Life in The Future
Parts of The Body, Health Problems
Sports and Sports Equipment
Pets and Animals
Dreams, Music and Musical Instruments, Food, Dates, Jobs.

At the end of The Junior 3 English Course, trainees should be able to:

Talk about what they like and dislike, Describe their daily activities, Describe things that are happening, Talk about something that happened in their life and the past.
Make assumptions about the future, say how they feel and give advice, ask for other services, give a description and compare the animals, talk about their abilities in the past, know how to ask for permission and talk about quantities