PhD Nataša Janković

Architectural Mapping and New Media: One City Profile (Belgrade and Rijeka in Focus)

Architectural mapping aims at “multiple reading of the city” through establishing relationships between semiology and urbanism, dialogue between users and the city, as well as viewing architecture as a system of signs and metaphors, that is, a means of communication. As a methodology, architectural mapping links and analyzes: 1) the importance of architectural gesture in the process of defining and developing a city’s territory, 2) changing its position from phenomenological (formal, formative) to critical discourse of observing architecture, 3) and also examining the potential of the interpretive narrative of architecture and territory. With this approach, based on semantics and metaphors, it is possible to “read” some layers of the city – records from the terrain (terRI [s] tories), or view architecture and territory as a cultural palimpsest, through the processes and material layers of their change and development.

The presentation will offer different approaches to the use of architectural mapping method, then architectural mapping as a result of research, and examination of new media patterns for presentation and dissemination of results of architectural research:
1 / map as a tool: methodology used in the doctoral dissertation “Transformation of landscape structure in the process of development of city territory: Belgrade of the second half of XX century” (Nataša Janković, PhD, mentor Prof. Vladan Djokić, UoB – Faculty of Architecture, 2017);

2 / map as a result: thematic maps 20.20 stoRIes of Rijeka (20 terRI (s) tories – 20 architectural stories of Rijeka of the 20th century) represent spatial sequences from the period between 1920 (the year of Rijeka’s autonomy) and 2020 (when Rijeka will be European Capital of Culture), created as a result of a postdoctoral study “Architectural terRI (s) tories: mapping the process of city transformation” (UniRi – CAS SEE, 2017);

3 / map as medium – architectural mapping and new media:
Digitized society – social networks: use the phrase (hashtag) #rijeka_terristories used within the Rijeka Terristories Instagram page as part of the research project “Re / I: translating terRI [s] tories: architectural stories about Rijeka’s territory” (UniRi – CAS SEE, 2018 year) for the purpose of methodological examination of new media forms for presentation and dissemination of results of architectural research, as well as
Digital Augmented Reality – augmented reality application (AR app) on the development of Rijeka – under the project “Rijeka in Flux: Borders and Urban Change after World War II” (University of British Columbia, Canada, 2019) currently under development  of writing.

The aim of these projects / research was to create an atlas of architectural maps – as a kind of portrait of the city, created through methodological and thematic research, as well as checking the print and new media forms of representation and dissemination of results in order to produce knowledge. The main potential of the maps created in this way is reflected in their contribution to the production of knowledge about cities, both among professional and general public, which is the main motive of the author – dissemination of knowledge and education in the field of architecture.

PhD Nataša Janković, architect, research associate at the University of Belgrade – Faculty of Architecture and postdoctoral – research associate on the project “River in Flux: Borders and Urban Change after World War II”, sponsored by the University of British Columbia (Canada). She recived twice a postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Rijeka – Center for Advanced Studies in Southeast Europe.

She is active in various spheres of architectural activity – research: publishes texts in international journals, books and conferences, but also actively organizes conferences, workshops and design: participates in exhibitions, engages in graphic design, and realizes architectural practice through the N2M studio (which she leads with her two colleagues – M&M in Belgrade); and also strives to relate and convey all this through architectural education: she has been actively involved in teaching at the Faculty of Architecture in Belgrade since 2010, with a particular focus on collaborating with various national and international institutions and organizations. Her specific research interests relate to the theme of the relationship between architecture and territory, architecture and nature, and the transformation of the city and its mapping. She strives to read “stories from the field” – terri (s) tories, and wants to mark the territory by creating an architectural gesture in the natural environment so to write a new “story from the field” – terri (S) tories.


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