Signs of health and illness coded in people`s facial expressions – Method of medical facial diagnostics; Humor and empathy applied to medical care
Lecturer: Professor Dr. Thomas Petschner, New Zealand Institute for Integrated Diagnostics
Saturday, December 1, 2018, commencing 04:00 pm
Small Hall
Tickets can be purchased at the Kolarac Ticket office, price -1850 dinars.
(the lecture will be exclusively in Serbian)
Professor Ptschner, a globally renowned holistic health scientist will be visiting Serbia to share his valuable knowledge of medical facial diagnostics, i.e. the signs of integral health and/or illness completely visible at everyone`s face and body; professor will also talk about how important emotions are for the healing process. As a devotee to the universal truth, he spent a decade researching the diagnostic and healing methods of ancient cultures and the implementation of quantum physics into medicine. He will also talk of mysterious and ever-intriguing connections between human soul and human behavior.
European medieval courts knew of many playful court jesters who were simply a façade and socially acceptable way of spreading the truth and deep philosophic insights. Modern-day phenomenon of clown-doctors can be viewed as continuation of that tradition, with the overall aim to enhance the healing process of healthy people and ease the suffering of terminal patients. Professor Petschner has been involved in establishing and supporting the clown-doctors for more than two decades. His work in this area proves that humor applied to medicine can never harm the reputation of a “serious” doctor; quite the contrary!
Most impressive people are often the most humble, as well. Professor Thomas Petschner, a world renowned holistic doctor and scientist seems to have condensed all the above within his life and work. Aside from having a unique opportunity to hear this talented presenter, Belgrade audience will be given concrete tools for upgrading life quality and preserving healthy balance, long life and general happiness.
This lecture is recommended to practitioners of all aspects of integral health of human body and soul, however also to actors, public figures, presenters, fashion models and business people, where correct reading of facial expression can often lead to business success.
Professor Thomas Petschner is a world-known scientist in the area of introduction of quantum physics into medicine, with focus on medical facial diagnostics correlated to the metabolic balance and genetically inherited structure of the organs. He is a director of New Zealand based Institute for Integrated Diagnostics (affiliated to Steinbeis + Academy, an enterprise of Steinbeis University Berlin, Germany) where he provides academically recognized education. He is also director of Face Discovery Ltd. a company which is developing a unique facial recognition system for the detection and prevention of illness, violence and crime.
Professor Petschner is also an international award-winning professional, however personally his favorite “title” would be a clown-doctor!