// source --> http://www.kolarac.rs/wp-content/plugins/stachethemes_event_calendar/stachethemes/../front/js/stec.js?ver=4.8.25 (function ($) { "use strict"; /** * prefixes added to prevent conflicts * from jQuery Easing v1.3 - http://gsgd.co.uk/sandbox/jquery/easing/ */ $.extend($.easing, { stecOutExpo: function (x, t, b, c, d) { return (t==d) ? b+c : c * (-Math.pow(2, -10 * t/d) + 1) + b; }, stecExpo: function (x, t, b, c, d) { if (t == 0) { return b; } if (t == d) { return b + c; } t = t / (d / 2); if (t < 1) { return c / 2 * Math.pow(2, 10 * (t - 1)) + b; } return c / 2 * (-Math.pow(2, -10 * --t) + 2) + b; } }); /** * Main Calendar front javascript */ function stachethemesEventCalendar() { var moment = window.moment; var instance = '', $instance = ''; var stecLang = window.stecLang; var glob = { options: { day: 1, month: 2, year: 2016, view: 'month', monthLabelsShort: [ stecLang.jan, stecLang.feb, stecLang.mar, stecLang.apr, stecLang.may, stecLang.jun, stecLang.jul, stecLang.aug, stecLang.sep, stecLang.oct, stecLang.nov, stecLang.dec ], monthLabels: [ stecLang.january, stecLang.february, stecLang.march, stecLang.april, stecLang.may, stecLang.june, stecLang.july, stecLang.august, stecLang.september, stecLang.october, stecLang.november, stecLang.december ], dayLabels: [ stecLang.sunday, stecLang.monday, stecLang.tuesday, stecLang.wednesday, stecLang.thursday, stecLang.friday, stecLang.saturday ], dayLabelsShort: [ stecLang.sun, stecLang.mon, stecLang.tue, stecLang.wed, stecLang.thu, stecLang.fri, stecLang.sat ], myLocation: '' }, template: { event: '', eventInner: '', preloader: '', reminder: '', tooltip: '', eventCreateForm: '' }, blockAction: false, ajax: null }; var helper = { animate: false, isEmail: function (email) { var regex = /^([a-zA-Z0-9_.+-])+\@(([a-zA-Z0-9-])+\.)+([a-zA-Z0-9]{2,4})+$/; return regex.test(email); }, /** * Date to ICS time string * @returns yyyymmddThhmmssZ * NOTE UTC FORMAT! * * NOTICE RFC IS 12 MONTHS, Adding + 1 to month! */ dateToRFC: function(date) { date = helper.treatAsUTC(date); function addZero(num) { return num < 10 ? '0' + num : num; }; var string = date.getFullYear() + '' + addZero(date.getMonth() + 1) + '' + addZero(date.getDate()) + 'T' + addZero(date.getHours()) + '' + addZero(date.getMinutes()) + '' + addZero(date.getSeconds()); return string + 'Z'; }, eventToGoogleCalImportLink: function(eventId, repeatOffset) { var event = calData.getEventById(eventId); var d1 = helper.dbDateTimeToDate(event.start_date); d1.setTime(d1.getTime() + repeatOffset * 1000); var start_date = helper.dateToRFC(d1); var d2 = helper.dbDateTimeToDate(event.end_date); d2.setTime(d2.getTime() + repeatOffset * 1000); var end_date = helper.dateToRFC(d2); var description = event.description_short; var location = event.location; return "https://calendar.google.com/calendar/render?action=TEMPLATE&text="+event.summary+"&dates="+start_date+"/"+end_date+"&details="+description+"&location="+location+"&sf=true&output=xml"; }, /** * Returns user friendly timespan * Accepted params for start and end are String (DbDate) or Date object * @param {mixed} start * @param {mixed} end * @returns {String} */ beautifyTimespan: function(start, end, all_day) { all_day = parseInt(all_day, 10); var d1 = start instanceof Date ? start : helper.dbDateTimeToDate(start); var d2 = end instanceof Date ? end : helper.dbDateTimeToDate(end); var format = ''; switch(glob.options.general_settings.date_format) { case 'dd.mm.yy' : format = 'd.M.y'; break; case 'dd-mm-yy' : format = 'd M y'; break; case 'mm-dd-yy' : format = 'M d y'; break; case 'yy-mm-dd' : format = 'y M d'; break; } // Show time only if not all_day event if (all_day != 1) { format += ' h:i'; } var timespanLabel = ''; // Same Day if ( d1.getDate() == d2.getDate() && d1.getMonth() == d2.getMonth() && d1.getFullYear() == d2.getFullYear() ) { timespanLabel = helper.dateToFormat(format, d1); if (all_day != 1) { timespanLabel += " - " + helper.dateToFormat('h:i', d2); } } else // Same Month & Year if ( d1.getDate() != d2.getDate() && d1.getMonth() == d2.getMonth() && d1.getFullYear() == d2.getFullYear() ) { var formatEnd = format.replace('y',''); timespanLabel = helper.dateToFormat(format, d1); timespanLabel += " - " + helper.dateToFormat(formatEnd, d2); } // Default else { timespanLabel = helper.dateToFormat(format, d1); timespanLabel += " - " + helper.dateToFormat(format, d2); } return timespanLabel; }, // @todo change with date.UTC ? // used for dateToRFC treatAsUTC: function (date) { var result = date instanceof Date ? date : new Date(date); var adjustedMinutes = result.getMinutes() + result.getTimezoneOffset(); result.setMinutes(adjustedMinutes); return result; }, diffDays: function (dt1, dt2) { return Math.abs(moment(dt2).diff(dt1, 'days')); }, diffWeeks: function (d1, d2) { return Math.abs(moment(d2).diff(d1, 'weeks')); }, focus: function(el) { if (parseInt(glob.options.general_settings.event_auto_focus, 10) !== 1) { return; } $('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: $(el).offset().top - $("#wpadminbar").height() + parseInt(glob.options.general_settings.event_auto_focus_offset, 10) }, { duration: 750, easing: "stecExpo" }); }, nl2br: function (txt) { return txt.replace(/(\r\n|\n\r|\r|\n)/g, "
"); }, capitalize: function (text) { return text.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + text.slice(1); }, imgLoaded: function ($img, callback, step) { if (typeof $.fn.imagesLoaded !== "undefined") { // imagesLoaded script is loaded $img.imagesLoaded(function () { if (typeof callback === "function") { callback.call($img); } }); return; } var total = $img.length; var loaded = 0; if (total <= 0) { if (typeof callback === "function") { callback.call($img); } } $img.each(function () { var image = new Image; image.onload = function () { if (typeof step === "function") { step(); } loaded++; if (loaded >= total) { if (typeof callback === "function") { callback.call($img); } } }; image.onerror = function () { console.warn("Could not load image"); }; image.src = $(this).attr("src"); }); }, capitalizeFirstLetter: function (string) { return string.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + string.slice(1); }, /** * returns now Date for given calendar offset * @param {int} hoursOffset * @returns {Date} date object */ getCalNow: function(hoursOffset) { var date = new Date(); date.setMinutes(date.getMinutes() + date.getTimezoneOffset()); // UTC now date.setHours(date.getHours() + hoursOffset); // UTC now + hours offset return date; }, /** * @param {type} string dbDate string * @param {type} offset unixstamp * @returns {String} dbDate string */ dbDateOffset: function(string, offset) { var date = this.dbDateTimeToDate(string); date.setTime(date.getTime() + offset * 1000); return this.dateToDbDateTime(date); }, /** * expects months range 1-12 * converts to 0-11 * @param {str} string yy-mm-dd h:i:s */ dbDateTimeToDate: function (string) { var date = string.replace(/(\s|:|-)/g,",").split(','); for(var i = 0; i < date.length; i++) { date[i] = parseInt(date[i], 10); if (i == 1) { date[i] = date[i] - 1; } } var d = new Date(date[0], date[1], date[2], date[3], date[4]); return d; }, /* * Converts js date to db date * @param {obj} date * @returns {String} */ dateToDbDateTime: function (date) { var string = ''; var y = date.getFullYear(); var m = date.getMonth() + 1; var d = date.getDate(); var h = date.getHours(); var i = date.getMinutes(); var s = date.getSeconds(); string += y; string += '-'; string += m < 10 ? '0'+m : m; string += '-'; string += d < 10 ? '0'+d : d; string += ' '; string += h < 10 ? '0'+h : h; string += ':'; string += i < 10 ? '0'+i : i; string += ':'; string += s < 10 ? '0'+s : s; return string; }, dateToUnixStamp: function(date){ return parseInt((date.getTime() / 1000).toFixed(0), 10); }, dateToFormat: function(format, date){ var hasTime = false; var ampm = 'am'; if (format === false) { switch (glob.options.general_settings.date_format) { case 'dd-mm-yy' : format = 'd m y'; break; case 'mm-dd-yy' : format = 'm d y'; break; case 'yy-mm-dd' : format = 'y m d'; break; } } format = format.split(''); var string = ''; $(format).each(function(){ switch(this) { case 'y' : string += date.getFullYear(); break; case 'm' : string += helper.capitalizeFirstLetter(glob.options.monthLabels[date.getMonth()]); break; case 'M' : string += helper.capitalizeFirstLetter(glob.options.monthLabelsShort[date.getMonth()]); break; case 'd' : string += date.getDate(); break; case 'h' : hasTime = true; var h = date.getHours(); if (glob.options.general_settings.time_format == '12') { if (h == 12) { ampm = 'pm'; } if (h > 12) { h = h - 12; ampm = 'pm'; } if (h == 0) { h = 12; ampm = 'am'; } string += h < 10 ? '0'+h : h; } else { string += h < 10 ? '0'+h : h; } break; case 'i' : var m = date.getMinutes(); m = m < 10 ? '0'+m : m; string += m; break; case 's' : var s = date.getSeconds(); string += s < 10 ? '0'+s : s; break; default: string += this; } }); if (hasTime && glob.options.general_settings.time_format == '12') { string += ' ' + ampm; } return string; }, getColorBrightness: function(hex){ var hex = hex.substring(1); // strip # var rgb = parseInt(hex, 16); // convert rrggbb to decimal var r = (rgb >> 16) & 0xff; // extract red var g = (rgb >> 8) & 0xff; // extract green var b = (rgb >> 0) & 0xff; // extract blue var luma = 0.2126 * r + 0.7152 * g + 0.0722 * b; // per ITU-R BT.709 return luma; }, extendBind: function(funcArr, sub, rtrn) { if (typeof window[funcArr] !== "undefined") { if (sub) { if (typeof window[funcArr][sub] !== "undefined") { $(window[funcArr][sub]).each(function () { if (typeof this == "function") { this({ instance: instance, $instance: $instance, glob: glob, helper: helper, calData: calData, layout: layout, events: events }, rtrn ? rtrn : null); } }); } } else { $(window[funcArr]).each(function () { if (typeof this == "function") { this({ instance: instance, $instance: $instance, glob: glob, helper: helper, calData: calData, layout: layout, events: events }, rtrn ? rtrn : null); } }); } } }, onResizeEnd: function (callback, time, keyslug) { var id; time = time ? time : 10; var handle = keyslug ? 'resize.'+keyslug : 'resize'; $(window).on(handle, function () { clearTimeout(id); id = setTimeout(function () { if (typeof callback === "function") { callback.call(); } }, time); }); }, iso8601Week: function (date) { var time; var checkDate = new Date(date.getTime()); // Find Thursday of this week starting on Monday checkDate.setDate(checkDate.getDate() + 4 - (checkDate.getDay() || 7)); time = checkDate.getTime(); checkDate.setMonth(0); // Compare with Jan 1 checkDate.setDate(1); return Math.floor(Math.round((time - checkDate) / 86400000) / 7) + 1; }, /** * @param {Date} alt new Date() */ getWeekInfo: function (alt) { var year, month, day; if (alt) { year = alt.getFullYear(); month = alt.getMonth(); day = alt.getDate(); } else { year = glob.options.year; month = glob.options.month; day = glob.options.day; } var activeDate = new Date(year, month, day); switch (glob.options.general_settings.first_day_of_the_week) { case 'mon' : if (activeDate.getDay() != 1) { while (activeDate.getDay() != 1) { activeDate.setDate(activeDate.getDate() - 1); } } break; case 'sat' : if (activeDate.getDay() != 6) { while (activeDate.getDay() != 6) { activeDate.setDate(activeDate.getDate() - 1); } } break; case 'sun' : if (activeDate.getDay() != 0) { while (activeDate.getDay() != 0) { activeDate.setDate(activeDate.getDate() - 1); } } break; } var firstDayOfTheWeek = new Date(activeDate); var lastDayOfTheWeek = new Date(firstDayOfTheWeek); lastDayOfTheWeek.setDate(lastDayOfTheWeek.getDate() + 6); return { start: { day: firstDayOfTheWeek.getDate(), month: firstDayOfTheWeek.getMonth(), year: firstDayOfTheWeek.getFullYear() }, end: { day: lastDayOfTheWeek.getDate(), month: lastDayOfTheWeek.getMonth(), year: lastDayOfTheWeek.getFullYear() }, week: helper.iso8601Week(activeDate) }; }, getMonthInfo: function (month, year) { if (isNaN(month)) { month = parseInt(glob.options.month, 10); } if (isNaN(year)) { year = parseInt(glob.options.year, 10); } var daysInMonth = [31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31]; var firstDay = new Date(year, month, 1); var startingDay = firstDay.getDay(); var monthLength = daysInMonth[month]; if (month == 1) { if ((year % 4 == 0 && year % 100 != 0) || year % 400 == 0) { monthLength = 29; } } var dayOffset = ""; switch(glob.options.general_settings.first_day_of_the_week) { case 'mon' : dayOffset = startingDay - 1 < 0 ? startingDay + 6 : startingDay - 1; break; case 'sat' : dayOffset = startingDay - 7 < 0 ? startingDay + 1 : startingDay - 7; break; case 'sun' : dayOffset = startingDay; break; } var monthInfo = { startingDay: startingDay, monthLength: monthLength, year: year, month: month, dayOffset: dayOffset, monthName: glob.options.monthLabels[month], monthNameShort: glob.options.monthLabelsShort[month] }; return monthInfo; }, /** * data-date="yyyy-mm-dd" to Date() * @param {string} str yyyy-mm-dd * @returns {Date} returns new Date() */ getDateFromData: function(str) { var d = str.split('-'); return new Date(d[0],d[1],d[2]); }, /** * Date() to yyy-mm-dd string * @param {Date} date * @returns {String} */ getDataFromDate: function(date) { return date.getFullYear() + '-' + date.getMonth() + '-' + date.getDate(); }, /** * Translates labels * @param {string} label * @param {object} week * @returns string */ getWeekLabel: function (label, week) { return label.replace(/sday/g, week.start.day) .replace(/smonth/g, glob.options.monthLabelsShort[week.start.month]) .replace(/syear/g, week.start.year) .replace(/eday/g, week.end.day) .replace(/emonth/g, glob.options.monthLabelsShort[week.end.month]) .replace(/eyear/g, week.end.year); }, isMobile: function () { return (/Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) ? true : false; }, clickHandle: function (sub) { var tap = sub ? 'vclick.' + sub : 'vclick'; var click = sub ? 'click.' + sub : 'click'; return this.isMobile() ? tap : click; }, instaClickHandle: function () { return this.isMobile() ? "touchstart" : "mousedown"; } }; this.init = function (options) { $.extend(glob.options, options); instance = "#" + glob.options.id; $instance = $(instance); if ($instance.length <= 0) { console.log('Stachethemes Event Calendar - License is not activated'); return; } if (helper.isMobile()) { $instance.addClass('stec-mobile'); } $instance.$top = $instance.children(".stec-top"); // top.inc.php wrap $instance.$agenda = $instance.children(".stec-layout").find(".stec-layout-agenda"); // layout.agenda.inc.php wrap $instance.$month = $instance.children(".stec-layout").find(".stec-layout-month"); // layout.month.inc.php wrap $instance.$week = $instance.children(".stec-layout").find(".stec-layout-week"); // layout.month.inc.php wrap $instance.$day = $instance.children(".stec-layout").find(".stec-layout-day"); // layout.day.inc.php wrap $instance.$events = $instance.children(".stec-layout").find(".stec-layout-events"); // layout.event.inc.php wrap $instance.$top.path = instance + " .stec-top "; $instance.$agenda.path = instance + " .stec-layout .stec-layout-agenda "; $instance.$month.path = instance + " .stec-layout .stec-layout-month "; $instance.$week.path = instance + " .stec-layout .stec-layout-week "; $instance.$day.path = instance + " .stec-layout .stec-layout-day "; $instance.$events.path = instance + " .stec-layout-events "; glob.template.eventAapproval = $instance.children(".stec-event-awaiting-approval-template").html(); glob.template.eventCreateForm = $instance.children(".stec-event-create-form-template").html(); glob.template.event = $instance.children(".stec-event-template").html(); glob.template.eventInner = $instance.children(".stec-event-inner-template").html(); glob.template.tooltip = $instance.children(".stec-tooltip-template").html(); glob.template.preloader = $instance.children(".stec-preloader-template").html(); glob.template.reminder = $instance.children(".stec-layout-event-preview-reminder-template").html(); glob.options.view = glob.options.general_settings.view; var now = new Date(); // Go to user specified date on init if (typeof glob.options.start_date !== 'undefined') { now = new Date(glob.options.start_date); } glob.options.day = now.getDate(); glob.options.month = now.getMonth(); glob.options.year = now.getFullYear(); if (typeof window.stecAnimate !== 'undefined') { helper.animate = new stecAnimate($instance); } preloader.add(); top.init(); layout.init(); events.init(); helper.extendBind("stachethemes_ec_extend"); }; /** * Calendar pre-init preloader */ var preloader = { add: function() { $(glob.template.preloader).addClass('stec-init-preloader stec-init-preloader-id-'+glob.options.id).insertBefore($instance); }, destroy: function(){ $('.stec-init-preloader-id-'+glob.options.id).remove(); } }; /** * handles top bar */ var top = { dropDownScrollSpeed: 450, init: function () { this.bindControls(); this.bindMobile(); }, bindMobile: function(){ if (!helper.isMobile()) { return; } $(document).on(helper.clickHandle(), function(){ $instance.$top.find('.mobile-hover').removeClass('mobile-hover'); }); $instance.$top.find('.stec-top-dropmenu-layouts').children('li').on(helper.clickHandle(), function (e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); $(this).toggleClass('mobile-hover'); }); $instance.$top.find('.stec-top-menu-date').children('li').on(helper.clickHandle(), function (e) { e.preventDefault(); $(this).toggleClass('mobile-hover'); // on active; fill dropdowns if ($(this).hasClass('mobile-hover')) { e.stopPropagation(); // dropdown day display if ($(this).hasClass('stec-top-menu-date-day')) { $(this).attr("data-hovering", true); $(this).find(".stec-top-menu-date-dropdown ul").remove(); var d = glob.options.day; var html = ''; $(this).find(".stec-top-menu-date-control-up").after(html); top.dateDropdownSetActive(); } // Dropdown week display if ($(this).hasClass('stec-top-menu-date-week')) { $(this).find(".stec-top-menu-date-dropdown ul").remove(); var w = new Date(glob.options.year, glob.options.month, glob.options.day); w.setDate(w.getDate() - 3 * 7); var format = ''; switch (glob.options.general_settings.date_format) { case 'dd-mm-yy' : format = 'sday smonth - eday emonth eyear'; break; case 'mm-dd-yy' : format = 'smonth sday - emonth eday eyear'; break; case 'yy-mm-dd' : format = 'smonth sday - eyear emonth eday'; break; } var html = ''; $(this).find(".stec-top-menu-date-control-up").after(html); top.dateDropdownSetActive(); } // Dropdown month display if ($(this).hasClass('stec-top-menu-date-month')) { $(this).find(".stec-top-menu-date-dropdown ul").remove(); var m = glob.options.month; // center current month for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) { m = m - 1 < 0 ? 11 : m - 1; } var html = ''; $(this).find(".stec-top-menu-date-control-up").after(html); top.dateDropdownSetActive(); } // Dropdown year display if ($(this).hasClass('stec-top-menu-date-year')) { $(this).find(".stec-top-menu-date-dropdown ul").remove(); var y = glob.options.year; var html = ''; $(this).find(".stec-top-menu-date-control-up").after(html); top.dateDropdownSetActive(); } } }); $instance.$top.find('.stec-top-menu-date-control-up, .stec-top-menu-date-control-down').on(helper.clickHandle(), function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); }); }, bindControls: function () { var parent = this; // Click handle for top view buttons $instance.$top.find('[data-view]').on(helper.clickHandle(), function(){ glob.options.view = $(this).attr("data-view"); layout.set(); }); // Mousewheel for year dropdown $instance.$top.find(".stec-top-menu-date-year").on('DOMMouseScroll mousewheel', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); if (e.originalEvent.wheelDelta > 0 || e.originalEvent.detail < 0) { parent.dateYearScrollUp(); } else { parent.dateYearScrollDown(); } }); // Mousewheel for month dropdown $instance.$top.find(".stec-top-menu-date-month").on('DOMMouseScroll mousewheel', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); if (e.originalEvent.wheelDelta > 0 || e.originalEvent.detail < 0) { parent.dateMonthScrollUp(); } else { parent.dateMonthScrollDown(); } }); // Mousewheel for week dropdown $instance.$top.find(".stec-top-menu-date-week").on('DOMMouseScroll mousewheel', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); if (e.originalEvent.wheelDelta > 0 || e.originalEvent.detail < 0) { parent.dateWeekScrollUp(); } else { parent.dateWeekScrollDown(); } }); // Mousewheel for day dropdown $instance.$top.find(".stec-top-menu-date-day").on('DOMMouseScroll mousewheel', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); if (e.originalEvent.wheelDelta > 0 || e.originalEvent.detail < 0) { parent.dateDayScrollUp(); } else { parent.dateDayScrollDown(); } }); // Remove data-hovering from dropdown menu on mouseout $instance.$top.find(".stec-top-menu-date-year, .stec-top-menu-date-month, .stec-top-menu-date-week, .stec-top-menu-date-day").on("mouseleave", function(){ $(this).removeAttr("data-hovering"); }); // Dropdown day mouseenter display $instance.$top.find(".stec-top-menu-date-day").on("mouseenter", function(){ if ($(this).attr("data-hovering")) return; $(this).attr("data-hovering", true); $(this).find(".stec-top-menu-date-dropdown ul").remove(); var d = glob.options.day; var html = ''; $(this).find(".stec-top-menu-date-control-up").after(html); top.dateDropdownSetActive(); }); // Dropdown week mouseenter display $instance.$top.find(".stec-top-menu-date-week").on("mouseenter", function(){ if ($(this).attr("data-hovering")){ return; } $(this).attr("data-hovering", true); $(this).find(".stec-top-menu-date-dropdown ul").remove(); var w = new Date(glob.options.year, glob.options.month, glob.options.day); w.setDate(w.getDate() - 3*7); var format = ''; switch(glob.options.general_settings.date_format) { case 'dd-mm-yy' : format = 'sday smonth - eday emonth eyear'; break; case 'mm-dd-yy' : format = 'smonth sday - emonth eday eyear'; break; case 'yy-mm-dd' : format = 'smonth sday - eyear emonth eday'; break; } var html = ''; $(this).find(".stec-top-menu-date-control-up").after(html); top.dateDropdownSetActive(); }); // Dropdown month mouseenter display $instance.$top.find(".stec-top-menu-date-month").on("mouseenter", function(){ if ($(this).attr("data-hovering")) { return; } $(this).attr("data-hovering", true); $(this).find(".stec-top-menu-date-dropdown ul").remove(); var m = glob.options.month; // center current month for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) { m = m - 1 < 0 ? 11 : m - 1; } var html = ''; $(this).find(".stec-top-menu-date-control-up").after(html); top.dateDropdownSetActive(); }); // Dropdown year mouseenter display $instance.$top.find(".stec-top-menu-date-year").on("mouseenter", function(){ if ($(this).attr("data-hovering")) { return; } $(this).attr("data-hovering", true); $(this).find(".stec-top-menu-date-dropdown ul").remove(); var y = glob.options.year; var html = ''; $(this).find(".stec-top-menu-date-control-up").after(html); top.dateDropdownSetActive(); }); // Dropdown week control up $instance.$top.find(".stec-top-menu-date-week .stec-top-menu-date-control-up").on(helper.clickHandle(), function(e){ e.preventDefault(); parent.dateWeekScrollUp(); }); // Dropdown week control down $instance.$top.find(".stec-top-menu-date-week .stec-top-menu-date-control-down").on(helper.clickHandle(), function(e){ e.preventDefault(); parent.dateWeekScrollDown(); }); // Dropdown year control up $instance.$top.find(".stec-top-menu-date-year .stec-top-menu-date-control-up").on(helper.clickHandle(), function(e){ e.preventDefault(); parent.dateYearScrollUp(); }); // Dropdown year control down $instance.$top.find(".stec-top-menu-date-year .stec-top-menu-date-control-down").on(helper.clickHandle(), function(e){ e.preventDefault(); parent.dateYearScrollDown(); }); // Dropdown month control up $instance.$top.find(".stec-top-menu-date-month .stec-top-menu-date-control-up").on(helper.clickHandle(), function(e){ e.preventDefault(); parent.dateMonthScrollUp(); }); // Dropdown month control down $instance.$top.find(".stec-top-menu-date-month .stec-top-menu-date-control-down").on(helper.clickHandle(), function(e){ e.preventDefault(); parent.dateMonthScrollDown(); }); // Dropdown day control up $instance.$top.find(".stec-top-menu-date-day .stec-top-menu-date-control-up").on(helper.clickHandle(), function(e){ e.preventDefault(); parent.dateDayScrollUp(); }); // Dropdown day control down $instance.$top.find(".stec-top-menu-date-day .stec-top-menu-date-control-down").on(helper.clickHandle(), function(e){ e.preventDefault(); parent.dateDayScrollDown(); }); // Dropdown month li pick $(document).on(helper.clickHandle(), $instance.$top.path + ".stec-top-menu-date-month ul li", function(e){ e.preventDefault(); var month = $(this).find("[data-month]").attr("data-month"); glob.options.month = parseInt(month, 10); var m = helper.getMonthInfo(); if (glob.options.day > m.monthLength) { glob.options.day = parseInt(m.monthLength, 10); } layout.set(); }); // Dropdown year li pick $(document).on(helper.clickHandle(), $instance.$top.path + ".stec-top-menu-date-year ul li", function(e){ e.preventDefault(); var year = $(this).find("[data-year]").attr("data-year"); glob.options.year = parseInt(year, 10); layout.set(); }); // Dropdown week li pick $(document).on(helper.clickHandle(), $instance.$top.path + ".stec-top-menu-date-week ul li", function(e){ e.preventDefault(); var d = helper.getDateFromData($(this).find("[data-date]").attr("data-date")); glob.options.year = d.getFullYear(); glob.options.month = d.getMonth(); glob.options.day = d.getDate(); layout.set(); }); // Dropdown day li pick $(document).on(helper.clickHandle(), $instance.$top.path + ".stec-top-menu-date-day ul li", function(e){ e.preventDefault(); glob.options.day = parseInt($(this).find("[data-day]").attr("data-day"), 10); layout.set(); }); // Previous date depending on view layout $instance.$top.find("[data-action='previous']").on(helper.clickHandle(), function (e) { e.preventDefault(); switch (glob.options.view) { case "agenda" : glob.options.month = glob.options.month - 1; if (glob.options.month < 0) { glob.options.month = 11; glob.options.year = glob.options.year - 1; } glob.options.day = 1; layout.set(); break; case "month" : glob.options.month = glob.options.month - 1; if (glob.options.month < 0) { glob.options.month = 11; glob.options.year = glob.options.year - 1; } layout.set(); break; case "week" : var week = helper.getWeekInfo(); var next = new Date(week.start.year, week.start.month, week.start.day - 7); glob.options.year = next.getFullYear(); glob.options.month = next.getMonth(); glob.options.day = next.getDate(); layout.set(); break case "day" : var m; if (glob.options.day - 1 < 1) { if (glob.options.month - 1 < 0) { glob.options.year = glob.options.year - 1; glob.options.month = 11; m = helper.getMonthInfo(); glob.options.day = m.monthLength; } else { glob.options.month = glob.options.month - 1; m = helper.getMonthInfo(); glob.options.day = m.monthLength; } } else { glob.options.day = glob.options.day - 1; } layout.set(); break; } }); // Next date depending on view layout $instance.$top.find("[data-action='next']").on(helper.clickHandle(), function (e) { e.preventDefault(); switch (glob.options.view) { case "agenda" : glob.options.month = glob.options.month + 1; if (glob.options.month > 11) { glob.options.month = 0; glob.options.year = glob.options.year + 1; } glob.options.day = 1; layout.set(); break; case "month" : glob.options.month = glob.options.month + 1; if (glob.options.month > 11) { glob.options.month = 0; glob.options.year = glob.options.year + 1; } layout.set(); break; case "week" : var week = helper.getWeekInfo(); var next = new Date(week.start.year, week.start.month, week.start.day + 7); glob.options.year = next.getFullYear(); glob.options.month = next.getMonth(); glob.options.day = next.getDate(); layout.set(); break; case "day" : var m = helper.getMonthInfo(); if (glob.options.day + 1 > m.monthLength) { if (glob.options.month + 1 > 11) { glob.options.year = glob.options.year + 1; glob.options.month = 0; glob.options.day = 1; } else { glob.options.month = glob.options.month + 1; glob.options.day = 1; } } else { glob.options.day = glob.options.day + 1; } layout.set(); break; } }); // Today date depending on view layout $instance.$top.find("[data-action='today']").on(helper.clickHandle(), function (e) { e.preventDefault(); glob.options.year = new Date().getFullYear(); glob.options.month = new Date().getMonth(); glob.options.day = new Date().getDate(); layout.set(); }); }, /** * Set all top data */ set: function(){ // today events count var now = new Date(); var events = calData.getEvents(now); if (events.length > 0) { $instance.$top.find('.stec-top-menu-count').text(events.length); $instance.$top.find('.stec-top-menu-count').show(); } else { $instance.$top.find('.stec-top-menu-count').hide(); } // Set .active current view $instance.$top.find("[data-view]").removeClass("active"); $instance.$top.find("[data-view='"+glob.options.view+"']").addClass("active"); // Hide date menu $instance.$top.find(".stec-top-menu-date-month").hide(); $instance.$top.find(".stec-top-menu-date-year").hide(); $instance.$top.find(".stec-top-menu-date-week").hide(); $instance.$top.find(".stec-top-menu-date-day").hide(); // Show date menu for the active view // Sets date label visible on small devices only switch(glob.options.view) { case "agenda" : var rad = $instance.$top.find(".stec-top-menu-date-year").css("border-top-right-radius"); $instance.$top.find(".stec-top-menu-date-month, .stec-top-menu-date-month .stec-top-menu-date-dropdown").css({ borderTopLeftRadius: rad, borderBottomLeftRadius: rad }); $instance.$top.find(".stec-top-menu-date-month").show(); $instance.$top.find(".stec-top-menu-date-year").show(); $instance.$top.find(".stec-top-menu-date-month > [data-month]") .attr("data-month", glob.options.month) .text(glob.options.monthLabels[glob.options.month]); $instance.find(".stec-top-menu-date-year > [data-year]") .attr("data-year", glob.options.year) .text(glob.options.year); switch (glob.options.general_settings.date_format) { case 'dd-mm-yy' : $instance.$top.find(".stec-top-menu-date-small") .text(glob.options.monthLabels[glob.options.month] + " " + glob.options.year); break; case 'mm-dd-yy' : $instance.$top.find(".stec-top-menu-date-small") .text(glob.options.monthLabels[glob.options.month] + " " + glob.options.year); break; case 'yy-mm-dd' : $instance.$top.find(".stec-top-menu-date-small") .text(glob.options.year + " " + glob.options.monthLabels[glob.options.month]); break; } break; case "month" : var rad = $instance.$top.find(".stec-top-menu-date-year").css("border-top-right-radius"); $instance.$top.find(".stec-top-menu-date-month, .stec-top-menu-date-month .stec-top-menu-date-dropdown").css({ borderTopLeftRadius: rad, borderBottomLeftRadius: rad }); $instance.$top.find(".stec-top-menu-date-month").show(); $instance.$top.find(".stec-top-menu-date-year").show(); $instance.$top.find(".stec-top-menu-date-month > [data-month]") .attr("data-month", glob.options.month) .text(glob.options.monthLabels[glob.options.month]); $instance.find(".stec-top-menu-date-year > [data-year]") .attr("data-year", glob.options.year) .text(glob.options.year); switch (glob.options.general_settings.date_format) { case 'dd-mm-yy' : $instance.$top.find(".stec-top-menu-date-small") .text(glob.options.monthLabels[glob.options.month] + " " + glob.options.year); break; case 'mm-dd-yy' : $instance.$top.find(".stec-top-menu-date-small") .text(glob.options.monthLabels[glob.options.month] + " " + glob.options.year); break; case 'yy-mm-dd' : $instance.$top.find(".stec-top-menu-date-small") .text(glob.options.year + " " + glob.options.monthLabels[glob.options.month]); break; } break; case "week" : var week = helper.getWeekInfo(); var label; var format; if (week.start.year == week.end.year) { if (week.start.month == week.end.month) { switch (glob.options.general_settings.date_format) { case 'dd-mm-yy' : format = 'sday - eday emonth eyear'; break; case 'mm-dd-yy' : format = 'sday - emonth eday eyear'; break; case 'yy-mm-dd' : format = 'sday - eyear emonth eday'; break; } } else { switch (glob.options.general_settings.date_format) { case 'dd-mm-yy' : format = 'sday smonth - eday emonth eyear'; break; case 'mm-dd-yy' : format = 'smonth sday - emonth eday eyear'; break; case 'yy-mm-dd' : format = 'smonth sday - eyear emonth eday'; break; } } } else { switch (glob.options.general_settings.date_format) { case 'dd-mm-yy' : format = 'sday smonth syear - eday emonth eyear'; break; case 'mm-dd-yy' : format = 'smonth sday syear - emonth eday eyear'; break; case 'yy-mm-dd' : format = 'syear smonth sday - eyear emonth eday'; break; } } label = format; label = helper.getWeekLabel(label, week); $instance.$top.find(".stec-top-menu-date-week").show(); $instance.$top.find(".stec-top-menu-date-week > [data-week]") .attr("data-week", week.week) .text(label); $instance.$top.find(".stec-top-menu-date-small").text(label); break; case "day" : $instance.$top.find(".stec-top-menu-date-month").css({ borderRadius: 0 }).find(".stec-top-menu-date-dropdown").css({ borderTopLeftRadius:0 }); $instance.$top.find(".stec-top-menu-date-day").show(); $instance.$top.find(".stec-top-menu-date-month").show(); $instance.$top.find(".stec-top-menu-date-year").show(); $instance.$top.find(".stec-top-menu-date-day > [data-day]") .attr("data-day", glob.options.day) .text(glob.options.day); $instance.$top.find(".stec-top-menu-date-month > [data-month]") .attr("data-month", glob.options.month) .text(glob.options.monthLabels[glob.options.month]); $instance.$top.find(".stec-top-menu-date-year > [data-year]") .attr("data-year", glob.options.year) .text(glob.options.year); switch (glob.options.general_settings.date_format) { case 'dd-mm-yy' : $instance.$top.find(".stec-top-menu-date-small") .text(glob.options.day + " " + glob.options.monthLabels[glob.options.month] + " " + glob.options.year); break; case 'mm-dd-yy' : $instance.$top.find(".stec-top-menu-date-small") .text(glob.options.monthLabels[glob.options.month] + " " + glob.options.day + " " + glob.options.year); break; case 'yy-mm-dd' : $instance.$top.find(".stec-top-menu-date-small") .text(glob.options.year + " " + glob.options.monthLabels[glob.options.month] + " " + glob.options.day); break; } break; } // Add active class for the given year,month,week,day for menu dropdown this.dateDropdownSetActive(); }, /** * Add active class for the given year,month,week,day for menu dropdown */ dateDropdownSetActive: function(){ $instance.$top .find(".stec-top-menu-date-dropdown .active").removeClass("active"); $instance.$top .find(".stec-top-menu-date-dropdown") .find('[data-day="'+glob.options.day+'"]') .parent() .addClass('active'); $instance.$top .find(".stec-top-menu-date-dropdown") .find('[data-month="'+glob.options.month+'"]') .parent() .addClass('active'); $instance.$top .find(".stec-top-menu-date-dropdown") .find('[data-year="'+glob.options.year+'"]') .parent() .addClass('active'); var week = helper.getWeekInfo(); var weekDate = week.start.year + "-" + week.start.month + "-" + week.start.day; $instance.$top .find(".stec-top-menu-date-dropdown") .find('[data-date="'+weekDate+'"]') .parent() .addClass('active'); }, /** * Month scrolldown action */ dateMonthScrollDown: function(){ var parent = this; $instance.$top.find(".stec-top-menu-date-month").find("ul").stop(true, true); var m = $instance.$top.find(".stec-top-menu-date-month").find("ul:first").find("li:last [data-month]").attr("data-month"); m = parseInt(m, 10); var html = ''; for (var i = 0; i <= 5; i++) { m = m + 1 > 11 ? 0 : m + 1; html += '
  • ' + glob.options.monthLabels[m] + '

  • '; } $instance.$top.find(".stec-top-menu-date-month ul li:last").after(html); $instance.$top.find(".stec-top-menu-date-month").find("ul").css({ top: 45 }).stop(true, true).animate({ top: -1 * 4 * 45 }, { duration: parent.dropDownScrollSpeed, easing: "stecOutExpo", complete: function () { $(this).css("top", 45).find("li:lt(5)").remove(); } }); this.dateDropdownSetActive(); }, /** * Month scrollup action */ dateMonthScrollUp: function(){ var parent = this; var m = $instance.$top.find(".stec-top-menu-date-month").find("ul:first").find("li:first [data-month]").attr("data-month"); var html = ''; var mArr = []; for (var i = 0; i <= 4; i++) { m = m - 1 < 0 ? 11 : m - 1; mArr[i] = '
  • ' + glob.options.monthLabels[m] + '

  • '; } html += mArr.reverse().join(''); $instance.$top.find(".stec-top-menu-date-month ul li:first").before(html); $instance.$top.find(".stec-top-menu-date-month").find("ul").css({ top: -1 * 4 * 45 }).stop().animate({ top: 45 }, { duration: parent.dropDownScrollSpeed, easing: "stecOutExpo", complete: function(){ $(this).css("top",45).find("li:gt(5)").remove(); } }); this.dateDropdownSetActive(); }, /** * Year scrolldown action */ dateYearScrollDown: function(){ var parent = this; $instance.$top.find(".stec-top-menu-date-year").find("ul").stop(true, true); var m = $instance.$top.find(".stec-top-menu-date-year").find("ul:first").find("li:last [data-year]").attr("data-year"); m = parseInt(m, 10); var html = ''; for (var i = 0; i <= 5; i++) { m = m + 1; html += '
  • ' + m + '

  • '; } $instance.$top.find(".stec-top-menu-date-year ul li:last").after(html); $instance.$top.find(".stec-top-menu-date-year").find("ul").css({ top: 45 }).stop(true, true).animate({ top: -1 * 4 * 45 }, { duration: parent.dropDownScrollSpeed, easing: "stecOutExpo", complete: function () { $(this).css("top", 45).find("li:lt(5)").remove(); } }); this.dateDropdownSetActive(); }, /** * Year scrollup action */ dateYearScrollUp: function(){ var parent = this; var m = $instance.$top.find(".stec-top-menu-date-year").find("ul:first").find("li:first [data-year]").attr("data-year"); var html = ''; var mArr = []; for (var i = 0; i <= 4; i++) { m = m - 1; mArr[i] = '
  • ' + m + '

  • '; } html += mArr.reverse().join(''); $instance.$top.find(".stec-top-menu-date-year ul li:first").before(html); $instance.$top.find(".stec-top-menu-date-year").find("ul").css({ top: -1 * 4 * 45 }).stop().animate({ top: 45 }, { duration: parent.dropDownScrollSpeed, easing: "stecOutExpo", complete: function(){ $(this).css("top", 45).find("li:gt(5)").remove(); } }); this.dateDropdownSetActive(); }, /** * Week scrolldown action */ dateWeekScrollDown: function(){ var parent = this; $instance.$top.find(".stec-top-menu-date-week").find("ul").stop(true, true); var lastWeek = $instance.$top.find(".stec-top-menu-date-week").find("ul:last").find("li:last [data-date]").attr("data-date"); var html = '', week ,label, w; var format; switch (glob.options.general_settings.date_format) { case 'dd-mm-yy' : format = 'sday smonth - eday emonth eyear'; break; case 'mm-dd-yy' : format = 'smonth sday - emonth eday eyear'; break; case 'yy-mm-dd' : format = 'smonth sday - eyear emonth eday'; break; } for (var i = 1; i <= 6; i++) { w = helper.getDateFromData(lastWeek); w.setDate(w.getDate() + i * 7); week = helper.getWeekInfo(w); label = helper.getWeekLabel(format, week); var date = week.start.year + "-" + week.start.month + "-" + week.start.day; html += '
  • ' + label + '

  • '; } $instance.$top.find(".stec-top-menu-date-week ul li:last").after(html); $instance.$top.find(".stec-top-menu-date-week").find("ul").css({ top: 45 }).stop(true, true).animate({ top: -1 * 4 * 45 }, { duration: parent.dropDownScrollSpeed, easing: "stecOutExpo", complete: function () { $(this).css("top", 45).find("li:lt(5)").remove(); } }); this.dateDropdownSetActive(); }, dateWeekScrollUp: function(){ var parent = this; var firstWeek = $instance.$top.find(".stec-top-menu-date-week").find("ul:first").find("li:first [data-date]").attr("data-date"); var html = '', week ,label, w, mArr = []; var format; switch (glob.options.general_settings.date_format) { case 'dd-mm-yy' : format = 'sday smonth - eday emonth eyear'; break; case 'mm-dd-yy' : format = 'smonth sday - emonth eday eyear'; break; case 'yy-mm-dd' : format = 'smonth sday - eyear emonth eday'; break; } for (var i = 0; i <= 5; i++) { w = helper.getDateFromData(firstWeek); w.setDate(w.getDate() - i * 7); week = helper.getWeekInfo(w); label = helper.getWeekLabel(format, week); var date = week.start.year + "-" + week.start.month + "-" + week.start.day; mArr[i] = '
  • ' + label + '

  • '; } html = mArr.reverse().join(''); $instance.$top.find(".stec-top-menu-date-week ul li:first").before(html); $instance.$top.find(".stec-top-menu-date-week").find("ul").css({ top: -1 * 4 * 45 }).stop().animate({ top: 45 }, { duration: parent.dropDownScrollSpeed, easing: "stecOutExpo", complete: function(){ $(this).css("top", 45).find("li:gt(5)").remove(); } }); this.dateDropdownSetActive(); }, dateDayScrollDown: function(){ var parent = this; $instance.$top.find(".stec-top-menu-date-day").find("ul").stop(true, true); var d = $instance.$top.find(".stec-top-menu-date-day").find("ul:first").find("li:last [data-day]").attr("data-day"); d = parseInt(d, 10); var m = helper.getMonthInfo(); var maxD = m.monthLength; var html = ''; for (var i = 0; i <= 5; i++) { d = d + 1 > maxD ? 1 : d + 1; html += '
  • ' + d + '

  • '; } $instance.$top.find(".stec-top-menu-date-day ul li:last").after(html); $instance.$top.find(".stec-top-menu-date-day").find("ul").css({ top: 45 }).stop(true, true).animate({ top: -1 * 4 * 45 }, { duration: parent.dropDownScrollSpeed, easing: "stecOutExpo", complete: function () { $(this).css("top", 45).find("li:lt(5)").remove(); } }); this.dateDropdownSetActive(); }, dateDayScrollUp: function(){ var parent = this; var d = $instance.$top.find(".stec-top-menu-date-day").find("ul:first").find("li:first [data-day]").attr("data-day"); var m = helper.getMonthInfo(); var maxD = m.monthLength; var html = ''; var mArr = []; for (var i = 0; i <= 4; i++) { d = d - 1 < 1 ? maxD : d - 1; mArr[i] = '
  • ' + d + '

  • '; } html += mArr.reverse().join(''); $instance.$top.find(".stec-top-menu-date-day ul li:first").before(html); $instance.$top.find(".stec-top-menu-date-day").find("ul").css({ top: -1 * 4 * 45 }).stop().animate({ top: 45 }, { duration: parent.dropDownScrollSpeed, easing: "stecOutExpo", complete: function(){ $(this).css("top", 45).find("li:gt(5)").remove(); } }); this.dateDropdownSetActive(); } }; var layout = { init: function () { this.agenda.bindControls(); this.month.bindControls(); this.week.bindControls(); this.day.bindControls(); calData.pullEvents(function(){ preloader.destroy(); $instance.show(); layout.set(); }); }, set: function () { $instance.$agenda.hide(); $instance.$month.hide(); $instance.$week.hide(); $instance.$day.hide(); top.set(); switch (glob.options.view) { case "agenda" : this.agenda.set(); break; case "month" : this.month.set(); break; case "week" : this.week.set(); break; case "day" : this.day.set(); break; } // after layout set helper.extendBind("stachethemes_ec_extend", "onLayoutSet"); }, /** * AGENDA */ agenda: { cache: { getNfutureEvents: false }, bindControls: function(){ var parent = this; // Agenda layout needs readjusting on window resize helper.onResizeEnd(function(){ if ($instance.$agenda.is(":visible")) { parent.set(true); } }, 50); $instance.$agenda.find('.stec-layout-agenda-events-all-load-more').on(helper.clickHandle(), function(e){ e.preventDefault(); parent.fillAgendaAllList(); }); // Click handle for cell click $(document).on(helper.clickHandle(), $instance.$agenda.path + ' .stec-layout-agenda-daycell', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); if ($(this).hasClass("active")) { // Close active cell events.eventHolder.close(); $(this).removeClass("active"); return; } var date = helper.getDateFromData($(this).attr('data-date')); glob.options.day = date.getDate(); glob.options.month = date.getMonth(); glob.options.year = date.getFullYear(); top.set(); parent.setActiveCell(); }); // Instant click handle for cell click. Used for drag $(document).on(helper.instaClickHandle(), $instance.$agenda.path + ' .stec-layout-agenda-daycell', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); var date = helper.getDateFromData($(this).attr('data-date')); var curr = new Date(glob.options.year, glob.options.month, glob.options.day); if (date.getTime() != curr.getTime()) { glob.options.day = date.getDate(); glob.options.month = date.getMonth(); glob.options.year = date.getFullYear(); top.set(); } }); // Draggable slider $instance.$agenda.find(".stec-layout-agenda-list").draggable({ axis: "x", start: function(event, ui){ $instance.$agenda.find(".stec-layout-agenda-list").stop(); this.previousPosition = ui.position; this.time = new Date().getTime(); }, stop: function(event, ui){ var time = new Date().getTime() - this.time; var moved = Math.abs(ui.position.left - this.previousPosition.left); parent.dragFill($(this), ui.position.left); parent.innertia($(this), this.previousPosition.left > ui.position.left ? 1 : -1, time, moved); }, drag: function(event, ui){ parent.dragFill($(this), ui.position.left); } }); }, // Set agenda layout set: function(resizeOnly){ // Check if Agenda Slider is set to show; else remove it if (glob.options.general_settings.agenda_cal_display != 0) { var DIM = this.getSlideDimensions(true); $instance.$agenda.find(".stec-layout-agenda-list") .stop() .css({ left: 0, width: DIM.width }); var cells = this.getCells(false, true, 1, true); $instance.$agenda.find(".stec-layout-agenda-list-b").empty().css('left', -1 * $instance.$agenda.find(".stec-layout-agenda-list-a").width() ); this.fillHTML($instance.$agenda.find(".stec-layout-agenda-list-a"), cells); } else { $instance.$agenda.find('.stec-layout-agenda-list-wrap').remove(); } if (resizeOnly !== true) { events.eventHolder.close(); this.clearAgendaAllList(); this.fillAgendaAllList(); } $instance.$agenda.show(); }, setActiveCell: function() { var activeCell = glob.options.year + "-" + glob.options.month + "-" + glob.options.day; $instance.$agenda .find(".stec-layout-agenda-daycell") .removeClass("active"); $instance.$agenda .find(".stec-layout-agenda-daycell[data-date='" + activeCell + "']") .addClass("active"); events.eventHolder.open(); }, getSlideDimensions: function(refresh){ if (refresh !== true && this.getSlideDimensions.cache) { return this.getSlideDimensions.cache; } var windowWidth = $(window).width() < 2000 ? 2000 : $(window).width(); var innerMaxCells = Math.floor($instance.width() / 80); var cellWidth = Math.floor($instance.width() / innerMaxCells); var maxCells = Math.round(windowWidth / cellWidth); var width = maxCells * cellWidth; var DIM = { width: width, maxCells: maxCells, cellWidth: cellWidth }; this.getSlideDimensions.cache = DIM; return DIM; }, /** * Return cells data for active date * @param {Date} date Alternative date * @param {bool} centerOnDate Center on active date * @param {int} direction -1 backwards 1 forwards * @param {bool} borderMonthCell prevents el2 slide monthcell overlap * @returns {array} returns cells data */ getCells: function(date, centerOnDate, direction, borderMonthCell) { if (!date) { date = new Date(glob.options.year, glob.options.month, glob.options.day); } var DIM = this.getSlideDimensions(); var d = date.getDate(); var m = helper.getMonthInfo(date.getMonth()); var y = date.getFullYear(); if (centerOnDate === true) { for (var j = 0; j < Math.round(DIM.maxCells / ((DIM.width / $instance.width()) * 2)); j++) { d = d - 1; if (d <= 0) { m = m.month - 1; if (m < 0) { m = 11; y = y - 1; } m = helper.getMonthInfo(m, y); d = m.monthLength; } } } var cellArray = []; var count = 0; // Fill cells if (direction === 1) { for (var i = 0; i < DIM.maxCells; i++) { d = d + 1; if (d > m.monthLength) { m = m.month + 1; if (m > 11) { y = y + 1; m = 0; } m = helper.getMonthInfo(m, y); d = 1; if (count != 0 || borderMonthCell === true) { cellArray[count] = { dataDate: false, dayNum: false, day: false, year: y, month: m.month, monthStartCell: true, hasEvents: false }; count++; } } var date = new Date(y, m.month, d); cellArray[count] = { dataDate: y + "-" + m.month + "-" + d, dayNum: date.getDay(), day: d, year: y, month: m.month, monthStartCell: false, hasEvents: false }; count++; } cellArray = cellArray.slice(0, DIM.maxCells); } else { for (var i = 0; i < DIM.maxCells; i++) { d = d - 1; if (d <= 0) { if (count != 0 || borderMonthCell === true) { cellArray[count] = { dataDate: false, dayNum: false, day: false, year: y, month: m.month, monthStartCell: true, hasEvents: false }; count++; } m = m.month - 1; if (m < 0) { y = y - 1; m = 11; } m = helper.getMonthInfo(m, y); d = m.monthLength; } var date = new Date(y, m.month, d); cellArray[count] = { dataDate: y + "-" + m.month + "-" + d, dayNum: date.getDay(), day: d, year: y, month: m.month, monthStartCell: false, hasEvents: false }; count++; } cellArray = cellArray.slice(0, DIM.maxCells); cellArray.reverse(); } return cellArray; }, /** * Create and append html for given cells * @param {object} $el Element to append to * @param {array} cells array */ fillHTML: function($el, cells) { var DIM = this.getSlideDimensions(); $el.empty(); var html = ""; $(cells).each(function(){ var cell = this; if (cell.monthStartCell === true) { html += '
  • '; html += '
    '; html += '

    ' + cell.year + '

    '; html += '

    ' + glob.options.monthLabelsShort[cell.month] + '

    '; html += '
    '; html += '
  • '; } else { html += '
  • '; html += '
    '; html += '

    ' + glob.options.dayLabelsShort[cell.dayNum] + '

    '; html += '

    ' + cell.day + '

    '; html += '
    '; // html += '
    '; html += '
    '; html += '
    '; html += '
  • '; } }); $(html).appendTo($el); // Set Today var today = new Date(); var date = today.getFullYear() + "-" + today.getMonth() + "-" + today.getDate(); $instance.$agenda .find(".stec-layout-agenda-daycell[data-date='" + date + "']") .addClass("stec-layout-agenda-daycell-today"); this.fillEvents(); }, fillEvents: function(){ var $a = $instance.$agenda.find(".stec-layout-agenda-list-a"); var $b = $instance.$agenda.find(".stec-layout-agenda-list-b"); var start, end; if ($b.children().length <= 0) { // b is empty (init start) start = $a.children('.stec-layout-agenda-daycell').first().attr('data-date'); end = $a.children('.stec-layout-agenda-daycell').last().attr('data-date'); } else { if ($a[0].offsetLeft > $b[0].offsetLeft) { // b is behind start = $b.children('.stec-layout-agenda-daycell').first().attr('data-date'); end = $a.children('.stec-layout-agenda-daycell').last().attr('data-date'); } else { // b is ahead end = $b.children('.stec-layout-agenda-daycell').last().attr('data-date'); start = $a.children('.stec-layout-agenda-daycell').first().attr('data-date'); } } $instance.$agenda .children('.stec-layout-agenda-list-wrap') .find('.stec-layout-agenda-daycell-events').empty(); // Populate cells with events var startDate = helper.getDateFromData(start); var endDate = helper.getDateFromData(end); var events = calData.getEvents(startDate, endDate); if (events.length <= 0) { // no events return; } $(events).each(function(i) { var startDate = new Date(this.start_date_timestamp * 1000); var endDate = new Date(this.end_date_timestamp * 1000); var d1, d2, days = 0; // we care for number of difference dates not per 24 hours d1 = new Date(startDate.getFullYear(), startDate.getMonth(), startDate.getDate()); d2 = new Date(endDate.getFullYear(), endDate.getMonth(), endDate.getDate()); days = helper.diffDays(d1, d2); for (var day = 0; day <= days; day++) { var stamp = moment(this.start_date).add(day,'days').unix(); var dataDate = helper.getDataFromDate(new Date(stamp * 1000)); if ($instance.$agenda .children('.stec-layout-agenda-list-wrap') .find('.stec-layout-agenda-daycell[data-date="' + dataDate + '"]') .find('.stec-layout-agenda-daycell-event').length > 2) { // cells are full } else { var extraClass = ''; var calNow = helper.getCalNow(this.timezone_utc_offset / 3600); if (calNow > endDate) { extraClass = 'stec-layout-agenda-daycell-event-expired'; } var html = '
    '; $(html).appendTo($instance.$agenda .children('.stec-layout-agenda-list-wrap') .find('.stec-layout-agenda-daycell[data-date="' + dataDate + '"]') .find('.stec-layout-agenda-daycell-events')); } } }); }, /** * Build cells on the run while dragging if required * @param {object} $el Dragged element * @param {Number} pos current position */ dragFill: function($el, pos){ var $el2 = $el.parent().children(".stec-layout-agenda-list").not($el); $el2.css('left', pos + (pos < 0 ? 1 : -1) * $el.width()); if ($el2[0].offsetLeft > $el[0].offsetLeft) { // increment el2 var rebuild = false; var d1 = helper.getDateFromData($el.children('.stec-layout-agenda-daycell').last().attr('data-date')); var d2 = $el2.children('.stec-layout-agenda-daycell').first().attr('data-date'); if (!d2) { rebuild = true; } else { d2 = helper.getDateFromData(d2); d2.setDate(d2.getDate() - 1); if (d1.getTime() != d2.getTime()) { rebuild = true; } } if (rebuild === true) { var borderMonthCell = true; if ($el.children("li").last().hasClass("stec-layout-agenda-monthstart")) { borderMonthCell = false; } d1.setDate(d1.getDate()); var cells = this.getCells(d1, false, 1, borderMonthCell); this.fillHTML($el2, cells); } } else { // decrement el2 var rebuild = false; var d1 = helper.getDateFromData($el.children('.stec-layout-agenda-daycell').first().attr('data-date')); var d2 = $el2.children('.stec-layout-agenda-daycell').last().attr('data-date'); if (!d2) { rebuild = true; } else { d2 = helper.getDateFromData(d2); d2.setDate(d2.getDate() + 1); if (d1.getTime() != d2.getTime()) { rebuild = true; } } if (rebuild === true) { var borderMonthCell = true; if ($el.children("li").first().hasClass("stec-layout-agenda-monthstart")) { borderMonthCell = false; } var cells = this.getCells(d1, false, -1, borderMonthCell); this.fillHTML($el2, cells); } } }, innertia: function($el, dir, time, moved) { var parent = this; var x = 0; x = moved/time * 100; x = x > $el.width() ? $el.width() / 4 : x; $instance.$agenda.find(".stec-layout-agenda-list").stop(); switch (dir) { case 1: $el.animate({ left: $el.position().left - x }, { easing: "stecOutExpo", duration: 1000, step:function(a,b) { parent.dragFill($el, b.now); } }); break; case -1: $el.animate({ left: $el.position().left + x }, { easing: "stecOutExpo", duration: 1000, step:function(a,b) { parent.dragFill($el, b.now); } }); break; } }, /** * Reset agenda all-list */ clearAgendaAllList: function(){ this.cache.getNfutureEvents = false; $instance.$agenda.find('.stec-layout-agenda-events-all-control').show(); $instance.$agenda.find('.stec-layout-agenda-events-all ul').remove(); $instance.$agenda.find('.stec-layout-agenda-events-all-datetext').remove(); }, /** * Caches all future eventis initially * Each call pulls N events from the cache array * @return (object) events list */ getNfutureEvents: function(){ if (!this.cache.getNfutureEvents) { // Load cache this.getNfutureEvents.n = parseInt(glob.options.general_settings.agenda_get_n, 10); this.cache.getNfutureEvents = calData.getFutureEvents(); this.getNfutureEvents.i = 0; } var x = this.getNfutureEvents.i++ * this.getNfutureEvents.n; var y = x + ++this.getNfutureEvents.n; return this.cache.getNfutureEvents.slice(x , y); }, /** * Builds agenda all list events html */ fillAgendaAllList: function() { if (glob.options.general_settings.agenda_list_display == '0') { return; } var events = this.getNfutureEvents(); if (!events || events.length <= 0) { // no events $instance.$agenda.find('.stec-layout-agenda-events-all-control').hide(); return; } var lastLabel = $instance.$agenda.find('.stec-layout-agenda-events-all-datetext').last(); lastLabel.month = lastLabel.attr('data-month'); lastLabel.year = lastLabel.attr('data-year'); var now = new Date(); $(events).each(function (i) { var event = this; var d = helper.dbDateTimeToDate(this.start_date); if (now > d) { var noReminder = true; } if (lastLabel.month != d.getMonth() || lastLabel.year != d.getFullYear()) { // Add new label lastLabel.month = d.getMonth(); lastLabel.year = d.getFullYear(); $('

    '+ glob.options.monthLabels[d.getMonth()] + ' ' + d.getFullYear() +'

    ') .insertBefore($instance.$agenda.find('.stec-layout-agenda-events-all-control')); $('') .insertAfter($instance.$agenda.find('.stec-layout-agenda-events-all-datetext').last()); } var featured_class = ''; switch(parseInt(this.featured, 10)) { case 1: featured_class = ' stec-event-featured '; break; case 2: featured_class = ' stec-event-featured stec-event-featured-bg '; break; default: featured_class = ''; } var additional_class = ""; if (event.icon == 'fa') { additional_class += ' stec-no-icon '; } $(glob.template.event) .addClass(featured_class) .addClass(additional_class) .addClass(noReminder ? 'stec-layout-event-no-reminder' : '') .attr('data-id', event.id) .attr('data-repeat-time-offset', event.repeat_time_offset ? event.repeat_time_offset : 0) .html(function (index, html) { var date = helper.beautifyTimespan(event.start_date, event.end_date, event.all_day); var gmtutc_offset = parseInt(event.timezone_utc_offset, 10) / 3600; gmtutc_offset = gmtutc_offset > 0 ? '+' + gmtutc_offset : gmtutc_offset; if (gmtutc_offset == 0) { gmtutc_offset = ''; } var timezoneOffsetLabel = glob.options.general_settings.date_label_gmtutc == 0 ? '' : 'UTC/GMT ' + gmtutc_offset;; html += ''+event.summary+''; return html .replace('stec_replace_summary', event.summary) .replace('stec_replace_date', date + ' ' + timezoneOffsetLabel) .replace('stec_replace_event_background', 'style="background:'+event.color+'"') // edge is retarded .replace('stec_replace_icon_class', event.icon); }).appendTo($instance.find('.stec-layout-agenda-events-all-list').last()); }); // Remove + when single pages if (glob.options.general_settings.open_event_in == 'single') { $instance .find('.stec-layout-agenda-events-all') .find('.stec-layout-event-preview-right-event-toggle') .remove(); } if (helper.animate !== false) { helper.animate.agenda.fillList($instance.$agenda); } } }, /** * MONTH LAYOUT */ month: { bindControls: function () { var parent = this; // Day cell click handle $instance.$month.find(".stec-layout-month-daycell").on(helper.clickHandle(), function (e) { e.preventDefault(); if ($(this).hasClass("active")) { // Close active cell events.eventHolder.close(); $(this).removeClass("active"); return; } var reset = false; var date = helper.getDateFromData($(this).attr("data-date")); if (glob.options.year != date.getFullYear() || glob.options.month != date.getMonth()) { reset = true; } glob.options.year = date.getFullYear(); glob.options.month = date.getMonth(); glob.options.day = date.getDate(); if (reset === true) { layout.set(); parent.setActiveCell(); } else { parent.setActiveCell(); } }); }, // Set to month layout set: function () { $instance.$month.show(); this.setDayLabels(); this.fillGridDays(); this.fillEvents(); }, setDayLabels: function() { var offset = 0; switch (glob.options.general_settings.first_day_of_the_week) { case 'mon' : offset = 1; break; case 'sat' : offset = 6; break; case 'sun' : offset = 0; break; } var a = offset; $instance.$month.find('.stec-layout-month-daylabel td').each(function(i){ var label = helper.capitalizeFirstLetter(glob.options.dayLabels[a]); var labelShort = helper.capitalizeFirstLetter(glob.options.dayLabelsShort[a]); $(this).find('p').eq(0).text(label); $(this).find('p').eq(1).text(labelShort); $(this).find('p').eq(2).text(labelShort.charAt(0)); a = a + 1 >= glob.options.dayLabels.length ? 0 : a + 1; }); }, setActiveCell: function () { var parent = this; var activeCell = glob.options.year + "-" + glob.options.month + "-" + glob.options.day; $instance.$month .find(".stec-layout-month-daycell") .removeClass("active"); $instance.$month .find(".stec-layout-month-daycell[data-date='" + activeCell + "']") .addClass("active"); $instance.$month.find(".stec-layout-month-eventholder") .insertAfter( $instance.$month .find(".stec-layout-month-daycell.active") .parents("tr") ); events.eventHolder.open(); }, resetGridCells: function () { var parent = this; $instance.$month .find(".stec-layout-month-daylabel td") .removeClass("stec-layout-month-daylabel-today"); $instance.$month .find(".stec-layout-month-daycell") .removeAttr("data-date") .removeClass("stec-layout-month-daycell-today stec-layout-month-daycell-inactive active"); $instance.$month .find(".stec-layout-month-daycell") .removeClass("active"); $instance.$month .find('.stec-layout-month-daycell-events').empty(); events.eventHolder.close(); }, fillGridDays: function () { var parent = this; parent.resetGridCells(); // Active Month var activeMonthInfo = helper.getMonthInfo(); for (var i = 0; i < activeMonthInfo.monthLength; i++) { var realDayNumber = i + 1; $instance.$month .find(".stec-layout-month-daycell") .eq(activeMonthInfo.dayOffset + i) .attr("data-date", activeMonthInfo.year + "-" + activeMonthInfo.month + "-" + realDayNumber) .find(".stec-layout-month-daycell-num").text(realDayNumber); } // Prev Month var prevMonthInfo = helper.getMonthInfo(activeMonthInfo.month - 1 < 0 ? 11 : activeMonthInfo.month - 1, activeMonthInfo.month - 1 < 0 ? activeMonthInfo.year - 1 : activeMonthInfo.year); for (var i = activeMonthInfo.dayOffset; i > 0; i--) { var realDayNumber = prevMonthInfo.monthLength - activeMonthInfo.dayOffset + i; $instance.$month .find(".stec-layout-month-daycell").eq(i - 1) .addClass("stec-layout-month-daycell-inactive") .attr("data-date", prevMonthInfo.year + "-" + prevMonthInfo.month + "-" + realDayNumber) .find(".stec-layout-month-daycell-num").text(realDayNumber); } // Next Month var nextMonthInfo = helper.getMonthInfo(activeMonthInfo.month + 1 > 11 ? 0 : activeMonthInfo.month + 1, activeMonthInfo.month + 1 > 11 ? activeMonthInfo.year + 1 : activeMonthInfo.year); for (var i = 0; i < 6 * 7 - (activeMonthInfo.monthLength + activeMonthInfo.dayOffset); i++) { var offset = activeMonthInfo.monthLength + activeMonthInfo.dayOffset + i; var realDayNumber = i + 1; $instance.$month .find(".stec-layout-month-daycell").eq(offset) .addClass("stec-layout-month-daycell-inactive") .attr("data-date", nextMonthInfo.year + "-" + nextMonthInfo.month + "-" + realDayNumber) .find(".stec-layout-month-daycell-num").text(realDayNumber); } // Set Today var today = new Date(); var date = today.getFullYear() + "-" + today.getMonth() + "-" + today.getDate(); $instance.$month .find(".stec-layout-month-daycell[data-date='" + date + "']") .addClass("stec-layout-month-daycell-today"); if ($instance.$month.find(".stec-layout-month-daycell-today").length > 0) { var offset = $instance.$month .find(".stec-layout-month-weekrow") .find(".stec-layout-month-daycell[data-date='" + date + "']").index(); $instance.$month .find(".stec-layout-month-daylabel td") .eq(offset) .addClass("stec-layout-month-daylabel-today"); } }, fillEvents: function(){ // Get layout date span var from = helper.getDateFromData($instance.$month.find('.stec-layout-month-daycell').first().attr('data-date')); var to = helper.getDateFromData($instance.$month.find('.stec-layout-month-daycell').last().attr('data-date')); // Get all events for this timespan var events = calData.getEvents(from, to); if (events.length <= 0) { return; } // Loop each event var hiddenEvents; $(events).each(function(){ hiddenEvents = []; var startDate = helper.dbDateTimeToDate(this.start_date); var endDate = helper.dbDateTimeToDate(this.end_date); var d1, d2, days = 0; // we care for number of difference dates not per 24 hours d1 = new Date(startDate.getFullYear(), startDate.getMonth(), startDate.getDate()); d2 = new Date(endDate.getFullYear(), endDate.getMonth(), endDate.getDate()); days = helper.diffDays(d1, d2); for (var day = 0; day <= days; day++) { var stamp = moment(this.start_date).add(day,'days').unix(); var dataDate = helper.getDataFromDate(new Date(stamp * 1000)); var $eventCont = $instance.$month .find('.stec-layout-month-daycell[data-date="' + dataDate + '"]') .find('.stec-layout-month-daycell-events'); var html = ''; if ($eventCont.find('.stec-layout-month-daycell-event').length > 2 || (hiddenEvents.indexOf(this.id) > -1) ) { // if container is full || event started from full container if ($eventCont.find('.stec-layout-month-daycell-eventmore').length > 0) { var text = $eventCont.find('.stec-layout-month-daycell-eventmore-count').text(); var num = parseInt(text.match(/[0-9]+/), 10); $eventCont.find('.stec-layout-month-daycell-eventmore-count').text(text.replace(num, num + 1)); } else { html += '
  • '; html += '


    '; html += '

    '; html += '

    '; html += '

    '; html += '
  • '; } hiddenEvents.push(this.id); } else { // Add event cell var extraClass = ''; var style = 'style="background-color:' + this.color + '"'; if (day == 0) { extraClass += ' stec-layout-month-daycell-event-start'; } if (day == days) { extraClass += ' stec-layout-month-daycell-event-end'; } var featured_class; switch (parseInt(this.featured, 10)) { case 1: featured_class = ' stec-event-featured '; break; case 2: featured_class = ' stec-event-featured stec-event-featured-bg '; break; default: featured_class = ''; } extraClass += featured_class; // determine event position var positions = [1,2,3]; var pos = 0; // repeat instance acts like subid of the event var repeat_time_offset = this.repeat_time_offset ? this.repeat_time_offset : 0; var pos_id = this.id + '-' + repeat_time_offset; var $first = $instance.$month.find('.stec-layout-month-daycell-event[data-pos-id="' + pos_id + '"]').first(); if ($first.length > 0) { pos = $first.attr('data-pos'); } else { $eventCont.find('.stec-layout-month-daycell-event').each(function(){ var i = positions.indexOf(parseInt($(this).attr('data-pos'), 10)); if (i > -1) { positions.splice(i, 1); } }); pos = positions[0]; } var brightness = helper.getColorBrightness(this.color); if (brightness > 170) { extraClass += " stec-layout-month-daycell-event-bright"; } var calNow = helper.getCalNow(this.timezone_utc_offset / 3600); if (calNow > endDate) { extraClass += " stec-layout-month-daycell-event-expired"; } html = '
  • '; if (day == 0 || glob.options.general_settings.show_event_title_all_cells != 0) { html += '

    ' + this.summary + '

    '; } html += '
  • '; } $(html).appendTo($eventCont); } }); } }, /** * WEEK LAYOUT */ week: { bindControls: function () { var parent = this; // Week daycell click handle $instance.$week.find(".stec-layout-week-daycell").on(helper.clickHandle(), function (e) { e.preventDefault(); if ($(this).hasClass("active")) { // Close active cell events.eventHolder.close(); $(this).removeClass("active"); return; } var date = helper.getDateFromData($(this).attr("data-date")); glob.options.year = date.getFullYear(); glob.options.month = date.getMonth(); glob.options.day = date.getDate(); parent.setActiveCell(); }); }, set: function () { $instance.$week.show(); this.setDayLabels(); this.fillGridDays(); this.fillEvents(); }, setDayLabels: function() { var offset = 0; switch (glob.options.general_settings.first_day_of_the_week) { case 'mon' : offset = 1; break; case 'sat' : offset = 6; break; case 'sun' : offset = 0; break; } var a = offset; $instance.$week.find('.stec-layout-week-daylabel td').each(function(i){ var label = helper.capitalizeFirstLetter(glob.options.dayLabels[a]); var labelShort = helper.capitalizeFirstLetter(glob.options.dayLabelsShort[a]); $(this).find('p').eq(0).text(label); $(this).find('p').eq(1).text(labelShort); $(this).find('p').eq(2).text(labelShort.charAt(0)); a = a + 1 >= glob.options.dayLabels.length ? 0 : a + 1; }); }, setActiveCell: function () { var parent = this; // Set Active Cell var activeCell = glob.options.year + "-" + glob.options.month + "-" + glob.options.day; $instance.$week .find(".stec-layout-week-daycell") .removeClass("active"); $instance.$week .find(".stec-layout-week-daycell[data-date='" + activeCell + "']") .addClass("active"); events.eventHolder.open(); }, resetGridCells: function () { // Reset data $instance.$week .find(".stec-layout-week-daylabel td") .removeClass("stec-layout-week-daylabel-today"); $instance.$week .find(".stec-layout-week-daycell") .removeAttr("data-date") .removeClass("stec-layout-week-daycell-today stec-layout-week-daycell-inactive active"); $instance.$week .find(".stec-layout-week-daycell") .removeClass("active"); $instance.$week .find('.stec-layout-week-daycell-events').empty(); events.eventHolder.close(); }, fillGridDays: function () { var parent = this; parent.resetGridCells(); var week = helper.getWeekInfo(); // Active Week $instance.$week .find(".stec-layout-week-daycell").each(function(i){ var cellDate = new Date(week.start.year, week.start.month, week.start.day); var next = i * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; cellDate.setTime(cellDate.getTime() + next); $(this) .attr("data-date", cellDate.getFullYear() + "-" + cellDate.getMonth() + "-" + cellDate.getDate()) .find(".stec-layout-week-daycell-num").text(cellDate.getDate()); }); // Set Today var today = new Date(); var date = today.getFullYear() + "-" + today.getMonth() + "-" + today.getDate(); $instance.$week .find(".stec-layout-week-daycell[data-date='" + date + "']") .addClass("stec-layout-week-daycell-today"); if ($instance.$week.find(".stec-layout-week-daycell-today").length > 0) { var offset = $instance.$week .find(".stec-layout-week-weekrow") .find(".stec-layout-week-daycell[data-date='" + date + "']").index(); $instance.$week .find(".stec-layout-week-daylabel td") .eq(offset) .addClass("stec-layout-week-daylabel-today"); } }, fillEvents: function(){ // Get layout date span var from = helper.getDateFromData($instance.$week.find('.stec-layout-week-daycell').first().attr('data-date')); var to = helper.getDateFromData($instance.$week.find('.stec-layout-week-daycell').last().attr('data-date')); // Get all events for this timespan var events = calData.getEvents(from, to); if (events.length <= 0) { return; } // Loop each event var hiddenEvents; $(events).each(function(){ hiddenEvents = []; var startDate = helper.dbDateTimeToDate(this.start_date); var endDate = helper.dbDateTimeToDate(this.end_date); var d1, d2, days = 0; // we care for number of difference dates not per 24 hours d1 = new Date(startDate.getFullYear(), startDate.getMonth(), startDate.getDate()); d2 = new Date(endDate.getFullYear(), endDate.getMonth(), endDate.getDate()); days = helper.diffDays(d1, d2); for (var day = 0; day <= days; day++) { var stamp = moment(this.start_date).add(day,'days').unix(); var dataDate = helper.getDataFromDate(new Date(stamp * 1000)); var $eventCont = $instance.$week .find('.stec-layout-week-daycell[data-date="' + dataDate + '"]') .find('.stec-layout-week-daycell-events'); var html = ''; if ($eventCont.find('.stec-layout-week-daycell-event').length > 2 || (hiddenEvents.indexOf(this.id) > -1) ) { // if container is full || event started from full container if ($eventCont.find('.stec-layout-week-daycell-eventmore').length > 0) { var text = $eventCont.find('.stec-layout-week-daycell-eventmore-count').text(); var num = parseInt(text.match(/[0-9]+/), 10); $eventCont.find('.stec-layout-week-daycell-eventmore-count').text(text.replace(num, num + 1)); } else { html += '
  • '; html += '


    '; html += '

    '; html += '

    '; html += '

    '; html += '
  • '; } hiddenEvents.push(this.id); } else { // Add event cell var extraClass = ''; var style = 'style="background-color:' + this.color + '"'; if (day == 0) { extraClass += ' stec-layout-week-daycell-event-start'; } if (day == days) { extraClass += ' stec-layout-week-daycell-event-end'; } var featured_class; switch (parseInt(this.featured, 10)) { case 1: featured_class = ' stec-event-featured '; break; case 2: featured_class = ' stec-event-featured stec-event-featured-bg '; break; default: featured_class = ''; } extraClass += featured_class; // determine event position var positions = [1,2,3]; var pos = 0; // repeat instance acts like subid of the event var repeat_time_offset = this.repeat_time_offset ? this.repeat_time_offset : 0; var pos_id = this.id + '-' + repeat_time_offset; var $first = $instance.$week.find('.stec-layout-week-daycell-event[data-pos-id="' + pos_id + '"]').first(); if ($first.length > 0) { pos = $first.attr('data-pos'); } else { $eventCont.find('.stec-layout-week-daycell-event').each(function(){ var i = positions.indexOf(parseInt($(this).attr('data-pos'), 10)); if (i > -1) { positions.splice(i, 1); } }); pos = positions[0]; } var brightness = helper.getColorBrightness(this.color); if (brightness > 170) { extraClass += " stec-layout-week-daycell-event-bright"; } var calNow = helper.getCalNow(this.timezone_utc_offset / 3600); if (calNow > endDate) { extraClass += " stec-layout-month-daycell-event-expired"; } html = '
  • '; if (day == 0 || glob.options.general_settings.show_event_title_all_cells != 0) { html += '

    ' + this.summary + '

    '; } html += '
  • '; } $(html).appendTo($eventCont); } }); } }, /** * DAY LAYOUT */ day: { bindControls: function() { }, set: function(){ $instance.$day.show(); events.eventHolder.open(); } } }; /** * handles events */ var events = { init: function(){ this.bindControls(); }, bindControls: function(){ var parent = this; // activate anchors for tabs content $(document).on(helper.clickHandle(), $instance.$events.path + (" a"), function(e){ e.stopPropagation(); return true; }); // excludes .create-form toggle // .stec-event-create-form is handled by adds/event.create.js $(document).on(helper.clickHandle(), $instance.$events.path + (".stec-layout-event-preview-right-event-toggle:not('.stec-layout-event-create-form-preview-right-event-toggle')"), function(e){ e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); var $event = $(this).parents(".stec-layout-event"); parent.eventToggle($event); }); // excludes .create-form toggle, .stec-layout-event-awaiting-approval // .stec-event-create-form is handled by adds/event.create.js $(document).on(helper.clickHandle(), $instance.$events.path + (".stec-layout-event:not('.stec-event-create-form, .stec-layout-event-awaiting-approval')"), function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var $event = $(this); parent.eventToggle($event); }); // Prevent toggling from inner content $(document).on(helper.clickHandle(), $instance.$events.path + '.stec-layout-event-inner', function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); }); $(document).on(helper.clickHandle(), $instance.$events.path + (".stec-layout-event-inner-top-tabs li"), function(e){ e.preventDefault(); parent.activateTab($(this)); }); $(document).on(helper.clickHandle(), $instance.$events.path + (".stec-layout-event-preview-left-reminder-toggle"), function(e){ e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); parent.attachReminder(this); }); $(document).on(helper.clickHandle(), $instance.$events.path + (".stec-layout-event-preview-reminder"), function(e){ e.stopPropagation(); }); $(document).on(helper.clickHandle(), $instance.$events.path + (".stec-layout-event-preview-right-menu"), function(e){ e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); parent.attachReminder(this); }); $(document).on(helper.clickHandle(), $instance.$events.path + (" .stec-layout-event-preview-reminder input"), function(e){ e.stopPropagation(); }); $(document).on(helper.clickHandle(), $instance.$events.path + (".stec-layout-event-preview-reminder-units-selector li"), function(e){ e.preventDefault(); var value = $(this).attr('data-value'); var text = $(this).text(); $(this).parents('.stec-layout-event-preview-reminder-units-selector') .find('p') .attr('data-value', value) .text(text); }); $(document).on(helper.clickHandle(), $instance.$events.path + (".stec-layout-event-preview-remind-button"), function(e){ e.preventDefault(); var $event = $(this).parents('.stec-layout-event'); var $form = $(this).parents('ul:first'); var eventId = $event.attr('data-id'); var repeat_offset = $event.attr('data-repeat-time-offset'); var email = $form.find('input[name="email"]').val(); var number = $form.find('input[name="number"]').val(); var units = $form.find('p[data-value]').attr('data-value'); if (helper.isEmail(email) && number != '') { reminder.remindEvent(eventId, repeat_offset, email, number, units); } }); }, /** * Attached the reminder template to (this) element */ attachReminder: function(th){ var leftSided = false; if ($instance.hasClass('stec-media-small')) { leftSided = true; } $instance.$events.find(".stec-layout-event-preview-left-reminder-toggle").not(th).removeClass("active"); $instance.$events.find(".stec-layout-event-preview-right-menu").not(th).removeClass("active"); $(th).toggleClass("active"); $(window).unbind('resize.' + 'reminder-' + glob.options.id); $instance.find('.stec-layout-event-preview-reminder').remove(); function position() { // remove if button not visible anymore if (!$(th).is(":visible")) { $(th).removeClass('active'); $(window).unbind('resize.' + 'reminder-' + glob.options.id); $instance.find('.stec-layout-event-preview-reminder').remove(); return; } $instance.find('.stec-layout-event-preview-reminder').css({ left: function(){ if (leftSided === true) { return 'initial'; // should be 0 but iPhone is ... } else { return $(th).position().left - $instance.find('.stec-layout-event-preview-reminder').width() + $(th).width() / 2 + 3; } }, top: function() { if (leftSided === true) { return $(th).position().top - $(th).height() - 12 - $instance.find('.stec-layout-event-preview-reminder').height(); } else { return $(th).position().top - $instance.find('.stec-layout-event-preview-reminder').height() - 10; } } }); if (leftSided === true) { // sets the bottom arrow to the left side $instance.find('.stec-layout-event-preview-reminder').addClass('stec-layout-event-preview-reminder-left'); } } if ($(th).hasClass('active')) { $(glob.template.reminder).appendTo($(th).parents('.stec-layout-event').first()); helper.onResizeEnd(function () { position(); }, 10, 'reminder-' + glob.options.id); position(); } }, /** * Hides tab if event has no data for this tab * @param {type} $event the event jquery html object * @todo automate */ setEventTabs: function($event){ // Remove unused tabs var event = calData.getEventById($event.attr('data-id')); var tabs = 0; // comments if (event.tabs.comments != 1) { $event.find('.stec-layout-event-inner-top-tabs [data-tab="stec-layout-event-inner-comments"]').hide(); } else { tabs++; } // location if (event.tabs.location != 1) { $event.find('.stec-layout-event-inner-top-tabs [data-tab="stec-layout-event-inner-location"]').hide(); } else { tabs++; } // forecast if (event.tabs.forecast != 1) { $event.find('.stec-layout-event-inner-top-tabs [data-tab="stec-layout-event-inner-forecast"]').hide(); } else { tabs++; } // schedule if (event.tabs.schedule != 1) { $event.find('.stec-layout-event-inner-top-tabs [data-tab="stec-layout-event-inner-schedule"]').hide(); } else { tabs++; } // guests if (event.tabs.guests != 1) { $event.find('.stec-layout-event-inner-top-tabs [data-tab="stec-layout-event-inner-guests"]').hide(); } else { tabs++; } // attendance if (event.tabs.attendance != 1) { $event.find('.stec-layout-event-inner-top-tabs [data-tab="stec-layout-event-inner-attendance"]').hide(); } else { tabs++; } // woocommerce if (event.tabs.woocommerce != 1) { $event.find('.stec-layout-event-inner-top-tabs [data-tab="stec-layout-event-inner-woocommerce"]').hide(); } else { tabs++; } if (tabs < 1) { $event.find('.stec-layout-event-inner-top-tabs').hide(); } }, eventToggle: function($event) { var event = calData.getEventById($event.attr('data-id')); if (event.link != '') { window.location.href = event.link; } else if (glob.options.general_settings.open_event_in == 'single') { window.location.href = $event.find('.stec-layout-event-single-page-link').attr('href'); return false; } if (!$event.hasClass("active")) { var requireData = false; // Add inner content if ($event.find(".stec-layout-event-inner").length <= 0) { $(glob.template.eventInner).appendTo($event); requireData = true; } // Set active $event .addClass("active") .find(".stec-layout-event-preview-right-event-toggle").addClass("active"); var $siblings = $instance.$events.find(".stec-layout-event").not($event); $siblings .removeClass("active") .find(".stec-layout-event-preview-right-event-toggle") .removeClass("active"); this.setEventTabs($event); // Load first tab if no tab is active if ($event.find('.stec-layout-event-inner-top-tabs').children('li.active').length <= 0) { $event.find('.stec-layout-event-inner-top-tabs').children('li').first().trigger(helper.clickHandle()); } if (requireData === true) { // pulls data only when necessary, do not override same data calData.pullEventData($event.attr('data-id'), $event.attr('data-repeat-time-offset'), false); } // Focus on event helper.focus($event); } else { $event .removeClass("active") .find(".stec-layout-event-preview-right-event-toggle").removeClass("active"); } }, activateTab: function($tab){ if ($tab.hasClass("active")) { return; } $tab.addClass("active") .siblings() .removeClass("active"); // remove only children active $tab .parents(".stec-layout-event-inner") .find(".stec-layout-event-inner-top-tabs-content") .children('.active') .removeClass("active"); var tabClass = "." + $tab.attr("data-tab"); $tab .parents(".stec-layout-event-inner") .find(tabClass) .addClass("active"); $(document).trigger('stec-tab-click-'+glob.options.id); }, eventHolder: { getEventHolder: function() { var $eventHolder = ""; switch (glob.options.view) { case "agenda": $eventHolder = $instance.$agenda.find(".stec-event-holder"); break; case "month": $eventHolder = $instance.$month.find(".stec-event-holder"); break; case "week": $eventHolder = $instance.$week.find(".stec-event-holder"); break; case "day": $eventHolder = $instance.$day.find(".stec-event-holder"); break; } return $eventHolder; }, removeEvents: function() { // prevents duplicate triggers $(document).unbind('stec-tab-click-'+glob.options.id); // resize.stec-unbind-window-resize-on-event-close // prevents duplicate triggers $(window).unbind('resize.stec-unbind-window-resize-on-event-close-'+glob.options.id); $instance.$events.not('.stec-layout-agenda-events-all').children().remove(); }, /** * Displays events for active date * @returns bool true of false if no events */ displayEvents: function(){ var d = new Date(glob.options.year, glob.options.month, glob.options.day); var events = calData.getEvents(d, false); if (events.length <= 0) { // no events return false; } var now = new Date(); var format = 'd m y'; switch (glob.options.general_settings.date_format) { case 'dd-mm-yy' : format = 'd m y'; break; case 'yy-mm-dd' : format = 'y m d'; break; case 'mm-dd-yy' : format = 'm d y'; break; } events.sort(calData.sortByFeatured); $(events).each(function(){ var event = this; // stec-layout-event-preview-right-menu var startDate = new Date(event.start_date_timestamp * 1000); if (now > startDate) { var noReminder = true; } var date = helper.beautifyTimespan(event.start_date, event.end_date, event.all_day); var gmtutc_offset = parseInt(event.timezone_utc_offset, 10) / 3600; gmtutc_offset = gmtutc_offset > 0 ? '+' + gmtutc_offset : gmtutc_offset; if (gmtutc_offset == 0) { gmtutc_offset = ''; } var timezoneOffsetLabel = glob.options.general_settings.date_label_gmtutc == 0 ? '' : 'UTC/GMT ' + gmtutc_offset;; var featured_class = ''; switch(parseInt(this.featured, 10)) { case 1: featured_class = ' stec-event-featured '; break; case 2: featured_class = ' stec-event-featured stec-event-featured-bg '; break; default: featured_class = ''; } var additional_class = ""; if (event.icon == 'fa') { additional_class += ' stec-no-icon '; } $(glob.template.event) .addClass(featured_class) .addClass(additional_class) .addClass(noReminder ? 'stec-layout-event-no-reminder' : '') .attr('data-id', event.id) .attr('data-repeat-time-offset', event.repeat_time_offset ? event.repeat_time_offset : 0) .html(function(index, html){ html += ''+event.summary+''; return html .replace('stec_replace_summary', event.summary) .replace('stec_replace_date', date + ' ' + timezoneOffsetLabel) .replace('stec_replace_event_background', ' style="background:'+event.color+'" ') // edge is retarded .replace('stec_replace_icon_class', event.icon); }).appendTo($instance.$events.not('.stec-layout-agenda-events-all')); }); // Remove + when single pages if (glob.options.general_settings.open_event_in == 'single') { $instance.$events .not('.stec-layout-agenda-events-all') .find('.stec-layout-event-preview-right-event-toggle') .remove(); } return true; }, close: function(){ $instance.$events .not('.stec-layout-agenda-events-all') .find(".active") .removeClass("active"); this.getEventHolder().hide(); // last visible children fix for border-radius if (glob.options.view == "month") { $instance.$month.find(".stec-layout-month-weekrow").last().addClass("stec-layout-month-weekrow-last"); } if (glob.options.view == "week") { $instance.$week.find(".stec-layout-week-weekrow").addClass("stec-layout-week-weekrow-last"); } helper.extendBind("stachethemes_ec_extend", "onEventHolderClose"); // Remove inner content this.removeEvents(); }, open: function(){ this.close(); var result = this.displayEvents(); // Day layout specifics if (glob.options.view == 'day') { if (result === false) { $instance.$day.find('.stec-layout-day-noevents').show(); } else { $instance.$day.find('.stec-layout-day-noevents').hide(); } } // If create form is disabled and there are no events do not open the event holder if (result === false && glob.options.general_settings.show_create_event_form == '0') { return; } // If there is event holder... // Month layout specifics if (glob.options.view == "month") { // last visible children fix... if ($instance.$month.find(".stec-layout-month-eventholder").is(":last-child")) { $instance.$month.find(".stec-layout-month-weekrow-last").removeClass("stec-layout-month-weekrow-last"); } else { $instance.$month.find("tr").last().addClass("stec-layout-month-weekrow-last"); } // focus on event helper.focus($instance.$month.find('.stec-layout-month-daycell.active')); } // Week layout specifics if (glob.options.view == "week") { $instance.$week.find(".stec-layout-week-weekrow-last").removeClass("stec-layout-week-weekrow-last"); } helper.extendBind("stachethemes_ec_extend", "onEventHolderOpen"); if (helper.animate) { helper.animate.eventHolder.open(this.getEventHolder()); } else { this.getEventHolder().show(); } } } }; var calData = { featuredOnly: false, calendarFilter: [], calendarsPool: [], eventsPool: [], /** * Returns calendar by id * * @param {int} calendar_id * @returns calendar object or empty object */ getCalendarById: function(calendar_id) { var cal = []; $(glob.options.calendars).each(function(){ if (this.id == calendar_id) { cal = this; return false; } }); return cal; }, /** * Returns event by id * * @param {int} event_id * @returns event object * @todo add paramenets for time offset */ getEventById: function(event_id) { var event = []; $(calData.eventsPool).each(function(){ if (this.id == event_id) { event = this; return false; // break; } }); return event; }, // sort by featured sortByFeatured: function (a, b) { if (a.featured == b.featured) { return a.start_date_timestamp - b.start_date_timestamp; } else { return b.featured - a.featured; } }, // sort by timestamp oldest -> newest sortByTimestamp: function (a, b) { if (a.start_date_timestamp < b.start_date_timestamp) return -1; else if (a.start_date_timestamp > b.start_date_timestamp) return 1; else return 0; }, removeFromEventsPool: function(eventId) { var newPool = []; // probably the safest way to do it... $(this.eventsPool).each(function(i){ if (this.id != eventId) { newPool.push(this); } }); this.eventsPool = newPool; }, addToEventsPool: function(events){ var parent = this; $(events).each(function(i){ this.start_date_timestamp = helper.dateToUnixStamp(helper.dbDateTimeToDate(this.start_date)); this.end_date_timestamp = helper.dateToUnixStamp(helper.dbDateTimeToDate(this.end_date)); }); events.sort(parent.sortByTimestamp); /* * @todo keep/delete? */ events.sort(parent.sortByFeatured); this.eventsPool = this.eventsPool.concat(events); helper.extendBind("stachethemes_ec_extend", "onAddToEventsPool", this.eventsPool); }, addDataToEvent: function(data){ var parent = this; $(parent.eventsPool).each(function(i){ if (this.id == data.general.id) { this.data = data; } }); }, pullEvents: function(callback){ var parent = this; glob.ajax = $.ajax({ dataType: "json", type: 'POST', url: window.ajaxurl, data: { action: 'stec_public_ajax_action', cal: glob.options.cal ? glob.options.cal : '', min_date: glob.options.min_date ? glob.options.min_date : null, max_date: glob.options.max_date ? glob.options.max_date : null, task: 'get_events' }, beforeSend: function(){ if (glob.ajax !== null) { glob.ajax.abort(); } }, success: function(data) { if (data) { parent.addToEventsPool(data); } }, error: function (xhr, status, thrown) { console.log(xhr + " " + status + " " + thrown); }, complete: function() { glob.ajax = null; if (typeof callback === "function") { callback(); } } }); }, /** * @param {int} event_id Real event id * @param {int} offset Repeater time offset in unixtime (works as unique event sub id for the db) * @param {fn} callback */ pullEventData: function(event_id, offset, callback){ var hasCache = false; offset = parseInt(offset, 10); $(this.eventsPool).each(function(){ if (this.id == event_id && typeof this.data !== 'undefined') { hasCache = true; this.data.repeat_time_offset = parseInt(offset, 10); if (typeof callback === "function") { callback(this.data); } helper.extendBind("stachethemes_ec_extend", "onEventDataReady", this.data); } }); if (hasCache === true) { return; } glob.ajax = $.ajax({ dataType: "json", type: 'POST', url: window.ajaxurl, data: { action: 'stec_public_ajax_action', task: 'get_event_data', event_id: event_id }, beforeSend: function(){ if (glob.ajax !== null) { glob.ajax.abort(); } helper.extendBind("stachethemes_ec_extend", "onBeforeEventDataAjax"); }, success: function(data) { if (data) { data.repeat_time_offset = parseInt(offset, 10); calData.addDataToEvent(data); } if (typeof callback === "function") { callback(data); } helper.extendBind("stachethemes_ec_extend", "onEventDataReady", data); }, error: function (xhr, status, thrown) { console.log(xhr + " " + status + " " + thrown); }, complete: function() { glob.ajax = null; } }); }, /** * Pulls all events from now up to 6 months in the future, including repeated events */ getFutureEvents: function(){ var now = new Date(); var date = new Date(glob.options.year, glob.options.month, 1); var a = date > now ? date : now; var b = new Date(a); b.setMonth(b.getMonth() + 6); var events = calData.getEvents(a,b); return events; }, /** * * Return all events for given timespan * * @param {date} startDate * @param {date} endDate * @returns {array} */ getEvents: function(startDate, endDate, incAapproval) { var parent = this; if (!incAapproval) { incAapproval = false; } if (!startDate) { startDate = new Date(glob.options.year, glob.options.month, glob.options.day); } startDate.setHours(0); startDate.setMinutes(0); startDate.setSeconds(0); startDate.setMilliseconds(0); if (endDate) { endDate.setHours(0); endDate.setMinutes(0); endDate.setSeconds(0); endDate.setMilliseconds(0); } else { endDate = new Date(startDate); } endDate.setHours(24); var a = helper.dateToUnixStamp(startDate); var b = helper.dateToUnixStamp(endDate); var pick = []; parent.filterGetEvents = []; parent.filterGetEvents = calData.eventsPool; helper.extendBind("stachethemes_ec_extend", "beforeProccessGetEvents"); $(parent.filterGetEvents).each(function() { var event_loop = this; if (incAapproval !== true && this.approved == '0') { return true; } // If repeating event get repeater if (this.rrule != '') { var event_loop = parent.repeater.get(this,a,b); } // Picker $(event_loop).each(function () { var start = this.start_date_timestamp; var end = this.end_date_timestamp; if (b > start && end >= a) { pick.push(this); } }); }); // reorder full events by timestamp parent.filterGetEvents = pick.sort(parent.sortByTimestamp); helper.extendBind("stachethemes_ec_extend", "beforeReturnGetEvents"); return parent.filterGetEvents; }, repeater: { get: function(event, rangeStart, rangeEnd) { var eventStartDate = new Date((event.start_date_timestamp * 1000)); var rangeStartDate = new Date(rangeStart * 1000); var rangeEndDate = new Date(rangeEnd * 1000); var dtstartRFC = helper.dateToRFC(eventStartDate); var rfcString = event.rrule + ';DTSTART=' + dtstartRFC; var result = new window.RRule .fromString(rfcString) .between(eventStartDate, rangeEndDate, true); var r_events = []; if (result.length <= 0) { return r_events; } $(result).each(function () { var offset = helper.dateToUnixStamp(this) - event.start_date_timestamp; // not by reference! need fresh copy var r_event = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(event)); r_event.start_date_timestamp = r_event.start_date_timestamp + offset; r_event.end_date_timestamp = r_event.end_date_timestamp + offset; r_event.start_date = helper.dateToDbDateTime(new Date(r_event.start_date_timestamp * 1000)); r_event.end_date = helper.dateToDbDateTime(new Date(r_event.end_date_timestamp * 1000)); r_event.repeat_time_offset = r_event.start_date_timestamp - event.start_date_timestamp; if (r_event.end_date_timestamp < rangeStart) { return true; } r_events.push(r_event); }); return r_events; } } }; var reminder = { blockAction: false, ajax: null, remindEvent: function(eventId, repeat_offset, email, number, units) { if (this.blockAction === true) { return; } var parent = this; var event = calData.getEventById(eventId); var remindDate = helper.dbDateTimeToDate(helper.dbDateOffset(event.start_date, repeat_offset)); if (isNaN(number)) { return; } switch(units) { case 'hours' : remindDate.setHours(remindDate.getHours() - number); break; case 'days' : remindDate.setDate(remindDate.getDate() - number); break; case 'weeks' : remindDate.setDate(remindDate.getDate() - number*7); break; } remindDate = helper.dateToDbDateTime(remindDate); var $menu = $instance.$events.find('.stec-layout-event-preview-right-menu.active'); var $mini = $instance.$events.find('.stec-layout-event-preview-left-reminder-toggle.active'); reminder.ajax = $.ajax({ dataType: "json", type: 'POST', url: window.ajaxurl, data: { action: 'stec_public_ajax_action', task: 'add_reminder', event_id: eventId, repeat_offset: repeat_offset, email: email, date: remindDate }, beforeSend: function () { if (reminder.ajax !== null) { reminder.ajax.abort(); } $menu.find('> i').hide(); $(glob.template.preloader).appendTo($menu); $mini.text(stecLang.setting); parent.blockAction = true; }, success: function (data) { $menu.find('> i').show(); if (data && data.error != 1) { $menu.find('> i').removeClass('fa-bell').addClass('fa-check'); $mini.text(stecLang.remindrset); $mini.addClass('stec-layout-event-preview-left-reminder-success'); setTimeout(function(){ $menu.find('> i').removeClass('fa-check').addClass('fa-bell'); $mini.text(stecLang.reminder); $mini.removeClass('stec-layout-event-preview-left-reminder-success'); }, 3000); } else { $menu.find('> i').removeClass('fa-bell').addClass('fa-times'); $mini.text(stecLang.error); setTimeout(function () { $menu.find('> i').removeClass('fa-times').addClass('fa-bell'); $mini.text(stecLang.reminder); }, 3000); } }, error: function (xhr, status, thrown) { $menu.find('> i').removeClass('fa-bell').addClass('fa-times'); setTimeout(function () { $menu.find('> i').removeClass('fa-times').addClass('fa-bell'); }, 3000); console.log(xhr + " " + status + " " + thrown); }, complete: function () { reminder.ajax = null; $menu.find('.stec-preloader').remove(); setTimeout(function () { parent.blockAction = false; }, 3000); } }); } }; } $(document).ready(function () { $(document).on('click', '.stec-fixed-message a', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); $(this).parents('.stec-fixed-message').remove(); }); if (typeof window.stachethemes_ec_instance !== "undefined") { $(window.stachethemes_ec_instance).each(function () { var stec = new stachethemesEventCalendar(); stec.init(this); }); } }); })(jQuery); // source --> http://www.kolarac.rs/wp-content/plugins/stachethemes_event_calendar/stachethemes/../front/js/stec-extend.js?ver=4.8.25 (function ($) { "use strict"; /** * Helper function allows binding to certain listeners * Used by adds/... */ $.stecExtend = function(fn, sub){ if (typeof stachethemes_ec_extend === "undefined") { window.stachethemes_ec_extend = []; } if (sub) { if (typeof stachethemes_ec_extend[sub] === "undefined") { window.stachethemes_ec_extend[sub] = []; } stachethemes_ec_extend[sub].push(fn); } else { stachethemes_ec_extend.push(fn); } }; })(jQuery); // source --> http://www.kolarac.rs/wp-content/plugins/stachethemes_event_calendar/stachethemes/../front/js/adds/search.js?ver=4.8.25 (function ($) { "use strict"; $.stecExtend(function (master) { var $instance = master.$instance; var helper = master.helper; var glob = master.glob; var layout = master.layout; var calData = master.calData; /** * Top Search form handling */ var search = { init: function () { this.bindControls(); }, bindControls: function () { var parent = this; var suggestionTimeout; $instance.$top.find(".stec-top-search-dropdown").on("keyup", function (e) { clearTimeout(suggestionTimeout); var value = $instance.$top.find(".stec-top-search-form input").val(); var $lis = $instance.$top.find(".stec-top-search-results li"); switch (e.which) { // esc case 27 : parent.closeSearch(); break; // enter case 13 : if ($lis.filter(".active").length <= 0) { parent.getResults(value); return; } var $selected = $lis.filter(".active"); // Jump date check if (typeof $selected.attr("data-jumpdate") !== "undefined") { parent.jumpToDate($selected); parent.closeSearch(); } break; // up arrow case 38 : if ($lis.filter(".active").length > 0) { $lis.filter(".active") .removeClass("active") .prev() .addClass("active"); } else { $lis.filter(":last").addClass("active"); } break; // down arrow case 40 : if ($lis.filter(".active").length > 0) { $lis.filter(".active") .removeClass("active") .next() .addClass("active"); } else { $lis.filter(":first").addClass("active"); } break; default: suggestionTimeout = setTimeout(function () { parent.getResults(value); }, 250); } }); // Result list click handle $(document).on(helper.clickHandle(), $instance.$top.path + " .stec-top-search-results li", function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var $lis = $instance.$top.find(".stec-top-search-results li"); $lis.removeClass("active"); $(this).addClass("active"); var $selected = $lis.filter(".active"); // Jump date check if (typeof $selected.attr("data-jumpdate") !== "undefined") { parent.jumpToDate($selected); parent.closeSearch(); } }); // Search button click handle $instance.$top.find(".stec-top-search-form a").on(helper.clickHandle(), function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var value = $instance.$top.find("input").val(); parent.getResults(value); }); // Search main button toggle show/hide $(document).on(helper.clickHandle(), $instance.$top.path + " .stec-top-menu-search", function (e) { e.preventDefault(); $instance.$top.find('.stec-top-menu-filter-calendar').removeClass('active'); // fix for left offset since today button is not fixed width var $dropdown = $(this).find('.stec-top-search-dropdown'); $dropdown.css({ left: -1 * Math.round($(this).position().left) }); $(this).toggleClass("active"); }); // Block search toggle for inner content $(document).on(helper.clickHandle(), $instance.$top.path + " .stec-top-search-dropdown", function (e) { // preventDefault blocks mobile keyboard e.stopPropagation(); }); }, /** * jump to $selected data-jumpdate attribute * data-jumpdate="yyyy-mm-dd" * @param {object} $selected $(element) */ jumpToDate: function ($selected) { var date = helper.getDateFromData($selected.attr("data-jumpdate")); glob.options.year = date.getFullYear(); glob.options.month = date.getMonth(); glob.options.day = date.getDate(); layout.set(); }, closeSearch: function () { this.resetResults(); $instance.$top.find(".stec-top-menu-search").removeClass("active"); }, resetResults: function () { $instance.$top.find('.stec-top-search-dropdown-noresult').hide(); $instance.$top.find(".stec-top-search-results").empty(); }, escapeHtml: function (string) { var entityMap = { "&": "&", "<": "<", ">": ">", '"': '"', "'": ''', "/": '/' }; return String(string).replace(/[&<>"'\/]/g, function (s) { return entityMap[s]; }); }, getResults: function (keyword) { var parent = this; parent.resetResults(); keyword = $.trim(keyword); if (keyword == "") { return; } var keywordArray = keyword.split(" "); var WORD = { generic: false, date: { year: false, month: false, day: false } }; $(keywordArray).each(function () { // Start as Generic word var generic = true; if (parent.isYear(this)) { WORD.date.year = this; generic = false; } if (parent.isMonthString(this)) { var monthName = this; $(glob.options.monthLabels).each(function (monthNumber) { if (this.toLowerCase() == monthName.toLowerCase()) { WORD.date.month = monthNumber; generic = false; } }); if (WORD.date.month === false) { // check shortname $(glob.options.monthLabelsShort).each(function (monthNumber) { if (this.toLowerCase() == monthName.toLowerCase()) { WORD.date.month = monthNumber; generic = false; } }); } } if (parent.isDay(this)) { WORD.date.day = this; generic = false; } // NO Func Match Found if (generic === true) { WORD.generic = true; } }); // Not a generic word if (WORD.generic === false) { if (WORD.date.year !== false || WORD.date.month !== false || WORD.date.day !== false) { if (WORD.date.year === false) { WORD.date.year = glob.options.year; } if (WORD.date.month === false) { WORD.date.month = glob.options.month; } if (WORD.date.day === false) { WORD.date.day = glob.options.day; } // Suggest navigate to Date var dateData = WORD.date.year + "-" + WORD.date.month + "-" + WORD.date.day; var searchDate = new Date(WORD.date.year,WORD.date.month,WORD.date.day); var format = 'd m y'; switch(glob.options.general_settings.date_format) { case 'dd-mm-yy' : format = 'd m y'; break; case 'yy-mm-dd' : format = 'y m d'; break; case 'mm-dd-yy' : format = 'm d y'; break; } var dateString = helper.dateToFormat(format, searchDate); var html = '
  • ' + dateString + '

  • '; $(html).appendTo($instance.$top.find(".stec-top-search-results")); } } else { // Generic // Search for keywords var result = []; $(keywordArray).each(function(){ var word = this; if (word.length <= 2) { return true; } word = word.toLowerCase(); var eventsPool = []; eventsPool = calData.eventsPool; $(eventsPool).each(function() { if (calData.calendarFilter.indexOf(this.calid) === -1) { return; // continue loop } var keywords = this.keywords.toLowerCase(); var summary = this.summary.toLowerCase(); if (keywords.indexOf(word) > -1 || summary.indexOf(word) > -1) { result.push(this); } }); }); if (result.length > 0) { // found match var html = ''; $(result).each(function () { var jumpDate = helper.getDataFromDate(helper.dbDateTimeToDate(this.start_date)); html += '
  • '+this.summary+'

  • '; }); $(html).appendTo($instance.$top.find(".stec-top-search-results")); } else { // no match found $instance.$top.find('.stec-top-search-dropdown-noresult').show(); } } }, isMonthString: function (keyword) { var found = false; if (isNaN(keyword)) { if ($.inArray(keyword.toLowerCase(), glob.options.monthLabels) !== -1) { found = true; } if ($.inArray(keyword.toLowerCase(), glob.options.monthLabelsShort) !== -1) { found = true; } } return found; }, isDay: function (keyword) { var found = false; if (!isNaN(keyword)) { // numbers if (keyword.length <= 2) { if (keyword <= 31 && keyword > 0) { // use as day found = true; } } } return found; }, isYear: function (keyword) { var found = false; if (!isNaN(keyword)) { // numbers if (keyword.length == 4 && keyword >= 1800 && keyword <= 2200) { // use as year found = true; } } return found; } }; search.init(); }); })(jQuery); // source --> http://www.kolarac.rs/wp-content/plugins/stachethemes_event_calendar/stachethemes/../front/js/adds/top.calfilter.js?ver=4.8.25 (function ($) { "use strict"; $.stecExtend(function (master, events) { var filtered = []; $(master.calData.filterGetEvents).each(function(){ if (master.calData.featuredOnly === true) { if (parseInt(this.featured, 10) <= 0 ) { return true; } } if (master.calData.calendarFilter.indexOf(this.calid) != -1) { filtered.push(this); } }); master.calData.filterGetEvents = filtered; }, 'beforeProccessGetEvents'); $.stecExtend(function (master, eventsPool) { var calendars = []; /** * @todo better implementation of sort by unique key value ? */ $(eventsPool).each(function(){ var event = this; var pushed = false; $(calendars).each(function(){ if (this.id == event.calid) { pushed = true; } }); if (pushed === false) { calendars.push({ id: event.calid, title: event.cal_title, color: event.cal_color }); } }); master.calData.calendarsPool = calendars; // build HTML for calendar filter list var html = ''; html += '
  • '+window.stecLang.featured_events+'

  • '; if (master.calData.calendarsPool.length > 3) { html += '
  • ' + window.stecLang.select_all + '

  • '; } $(master.calData.calendarsPool).each(function () { // add to filter by default master.calData.calendarFilter.push(this.id); $.uniqueSort(master.calData.calendarFilter); html += '
  • ' + this.title + '

  • '; }); master.$instance.$top.find('.stec-top-menu-filter-calendar-dropdown').children('li').remove(); $(html).appendTo(master.$instance.$top.find('.stec-top-menu-filter-calendar-dropdown')); }, 'onAddToEventsPool'); $.stecExtend(function (master) { var $instance = master.$instance; var helper = master.helper; // Calendar filter button toggle show/hide $(document).on(helper.clickHandle(), $instance.$top.path + " .stec-top-menu-filter-calendar", function (e) { e.preventDefault(); $instance.$top.find('.stec-top-menu-search').removeClass('active'); // fix for left offset since today button is not fixed width var $dropdown = $(this).find('.stec-top-menu-filter-calendar-dropdown'); $dropdown.css({ left: -1 * Math.round($(this).position().left) }); $(this).toggleClass("active"); }); // Block filter toggle for inner content $(document).on(helper.clickHandle(), $instance.$top.path + " .stec-top-menu-filter-calendar-dropdown", function (e) { // preventDefault blocks mobile keyboard e.stopPropagation(); }); // Toggle active calendars $(document).on(helper.clickHandle(), $instance.$top.path + " .stec-top-menu-filter-calendar-dropdown li:not(.stec-select-all-calendars)", function (e) { e.preventDefault(); $(this).toggleClass('active'); if ($(this).hasClass('active')) { // add to filter master.calData.calendarFilter.push($(this).attr('data-calid')); $.uniqueSort(master.calData.calendarFilter); if ($(this).attr('data-featured')) { master.calData.featuredOnly = true; } } else { // remove from filter if ($(this).attr('data-featured')) { master.calData.featuredOnly = false; } if (master.calData.calendarFilter !== false) { var index = master.calData.calendarFilter.indexOf($(this).attr('data-calid')); if (index > -1) { master.calData.calendarFilter.splice(index, 1); } } } master.layout.set(); // fix for left offset since today button is not fixed width $instance.$top.find('.stec-top-menu-filter-calendar-dropdown').css({ left: -1 * Math.round($instance.$top.find(" .stec-top-menu-filter-calendar").position().left) }); }); $(document).on(helper.clickHandle(), $instance.$top.path + " .stec-top-menu-filter-calendar-dropdown li.stec-select-all-calendars", function (e) { e.preventDefault(); $(this).toggleClass('active'); if ($(this).hasClass('active')) { // add to filter $(this).nextAll('li').addClass('active').each(function () { master.calData.calendarFilter.push($(this).attr('data-calid')); $.uniqueSort(master.calData.calendarFilter); }); } else { // remove from filter $(this).nextAll('li').removeClass('active').each(function () { master.calData.calendarFilter = []; }); } master.layout.set(); // fix for left offset since today button is not fixed width $instance.$top.find('.stec-top-menu-filter-calendar-dropdown').css({ left: -1 * Math.round($instance.$top.find(" .stec-top-menu-filter-calendar").position().left) }); }); }); })(jQuery); // source --> http://www.kolarac.rs/wp-content/plugins/stachethemes_event_calendar/stachethemes/../front/js/adds/tooltip.js?ver=4.8.25 (function ($) { "use strict"; $.stecExtend(function (master) { var helper = master.helper; var glob = master.glob; var instance = master.instance; var $instance = master.$instance; var calData = master.calData; var tooltip = { init: function () { if (parseInt(glob.options.general_settings.tooltip_display, 10) !== 1) { return; } if (helper.isMobile() === true) { // don't bind on mobile return; } this.bindControls(); }, bindControls: function () { var parent = this; var event_class = instance + ' .stec-layout-month-daycell-event,' + instance + ' .stec-layout-week-daycell-event'; $(document).on('mouseenter', event_class, function (e) { var th = this; $('#tooltip-' + glob.options.id).remove(); if (helper.animate !== false) { helper.animate.tooltip.clear(); } $(glob.template.tooltip).attr('id', 'tooltip-' + glob.options.id).appendTo('body'); var event = calData.getEventById($(th).attr('data-id')); var repeat_offset = parseInt($(th).attr('data-repeat-time-offset'), 10); event.repeat_offset = repeat_offset; parent.fillHTML(event); parent.position(th); if (helper.animate !== false) { helper.animate.tooltip.show($('#tooltip-' + glob.options.id)); } else { $('#tooltip-' + glob.options.id).fadeTo(0,1); } }); $(document).on('mouseleave', instance + event_class, function (e) { if (helper.animate !== false) { helper.animate.tooltip.hide($('#tooltip-' + glob.options.id), function () { $('#tooltip-' + glob.options.id).remove(); }); } else { $('#tooltip-' + glob.options.id).fadeTo(0,0); } parent.clock.clear(); }); }, position: function(th){ var klass = ''; var $tooltip = $('#tooltip-' + glob.options.id); $tooltip.css({ left: function () { var x = 0; if ($(th).parents('td').first().index() > 3) { x = $(th).offset().left - $tooltip.width() - 5; klass += ' stec-tooltip-pos-left'; } else { x = $(th).width() + $(th).offset().left + 5; } return x; }, top: function () { var y = 0; if ($(th).parents('tr').first().index() > 3) { klass += ' stec-tooltip-pos-top'; y = $instance.hasClass('stec-media-small') ? $(th).offset().top - $tooltip.height() + 29 : $(th).offset().top - $tooltip.height() + 40; } else { y = $instance.hasClass('stec-media-small') ? $(th).offset().top - 27 : $(th).offset().top - 15; } return y; } }); $tooltip.addClass(klass); }, fillHTML: function (event) { var $tooltip = $('#tooltip-' + glob.options.id); var iconHtml = '
    '; // original date + the repeat offset var startDate = helper.dbDateTimeToDate(helper.dbDateOffset(event.start_date, event.repeat_offset)); // original date + the repeat offset var endDate = helper.dbDateTimeToDate(helper.dbDateOffset(event.end_date, event.repeat_offset)); var date = helper.beautifyTimespan(startDate, endDate, event.all_day); var imageHtml = ''; if (event.images_meta.length > 0) { imageHtml = '
    '; } $tooltip.html(function (index, html) { return html .replace(/stec_replace_image/g, imageHtml) .replace(/stec_replace_summary/g, event.summary) .replace(/stec_replace_desc_short/g, event.description_short) .replace(/stec_replace_icon/g, iconHtml) .replace(/stec_replace_location/g, event.location) .replace(/stec_replace_timespan/g, date); }); if (event.location == '') { $tooltip.find('.stec-tooltip-location').hide(); } if (imageHtml == '') { $tooltip.find('.stec-tooltip-image').hide(); $tooltip.find('.stec-tooltip-icon').css({ top: 0, position: 'static', marginTop: 20 }); } var calNow = helper.getCalNow(event.timezone_utc_offset / 3600); if (calNow > endDate) { $tooltip.find('.stec-tooltip-expired').css('display', 'inline-block'); } if (calNow > startDate && endDate > calNow) { $tooltip.find('.stec-tooltip-progress').css('display', 'inline-block'); } // Check counter if (event.counter != 0 && startDate > calNow) { $tooltip.find('.stec-tooltip-counter').css('display', 'inline-block'); this.clock.init(startDate, calNow); } }, clock: { days: 0, hours: 0, minutes: 0, seconds: 0, daysLabel: window.stecLang.DaysAbbr, hoursLabel: window.stecLang.HoursAbbr, minutesLabel: window.stecLang.MinutesAbbr, secondsLabel: window.stecLang.SecondsAbbr, interval: '', init: function (date, now) { this.clear(); var nowDate = now; var startDate = date; var timeLeft = Math.floor((startDate.getTime() - nowDate.getTime()) / 1000); this.days = Math.floor(timeLeft / 86400); this.hours = Math.floor(timeLeft % 86400 / 3600); this.minutes = Math.floor(timeLeft % 86400 % 3600 / 60); this.seconds = Math.floor(timeLeft % 86400 % 3600 % 60); if (timeLeft < 0) { this.complete(); return; } this.count(); }, setTimer: function () { var $tooltip = $('#tooltip-' + glob.options.id); var countText = this.days + this.daysLabel + ' ' + this.hours + this.hoursLabel + ' ' + this.minutes + this.minutesLabel + ' ' + this.seconds + this.secondsLabel; $tooltip.find('.stec-tooltip-counter span').text(countText); }, count: function () { var parent = this; parent.setTimer(); parent.interval = setInterval(function () { parent.seconds--; if (parent.seconds < 0) { parent.seconds = 59; parent.minutes--; if (parent.minutes < 0) { parent.minutes = 59; parent.hours--; if (parent.hours < 0) { parent.hours = 23; if (parent.days > 0) { parent.days--; } } } } parent.setTimer(); if (parent.days == 0 && parent.hours == 0 && parent.minutes == 0 && parent.seconds == 0) { parent.clear(); parent.complete(); } }, 1000); }, complete: function () { this.clear(); }, clear: function() { clearInterval(this.interval); } } }; tooltip.init(); }); })(jQuery); // source --> http://www.kolarac.rs/wp-content/plugins/stachethemes_event_calendar/stachethemes/../front/js/adds/media.js?ver=4.8.25 (function ($) { "use strict"; $.stecExtend(function (master) { var $instance = master.$instance; /** * Handles reponsive classes */ var media = { init: function () { var parent = this; $(window).on("resize", function () { parent.mediaTrigger(); }); parent.mediaTrigger(); }, mediaTrigger: function () { if ($instance.width() <= 600) { $instance.removeClass("stec-media-med"); $instance.addClass("stec-media-small"); } else if ($instance.width() <= 870) { $instance.removeClass("stec-media-small"); $instance.addClass("stec-media-med"); } else { $instance.removeClass("stec-media-med stec-media-small"); } } }; media.init(); }, 'onLayoutSet'); })(jQuery); // source --> http://www.kolarac.rs/wp-content/plugins/stachethemes_event_calendar/stachethemes/../front/js/adds/intro.js?ver=4.8.25 (function ($) { "use strict"; $.stecExtend(function (master) { // add preloader var $tab = master.$instance.find('.stec-layout-event.active').find('.stec-layout-event-inner-intro'); $tab.wrapInner('
    '); $(master.glob.template.preloader).appendTo($tab); }, 'onBeforeEventDataAjax'); $.stecExtend(function (master, data) { var glob = master.glob; var $instance = master.$instance; var helper = master.helper; var $event = $instance.$events.find('.stec-layout-event.active'); var $inner = $event.find('.stec-layout-event-inner-intro'); var url = glob.options.single_page_url + data.general.alias; if (data.repeat_time_offset > 0) { url += '/' + data.repeat_time_offset + '/'; } // add the repeat offset var start_date = helper.dbDateOffset(data.general.start_date, data.repeat_time_offset); var end_date = helper.dbDateOffset(data.general.end_date, data.repeat_time_offset); var googleCalImportLink = helper.eventToGoogleCalImportLink(data.general.id, data.repeat_time_offset); $inner.html(function (index, html) { return html .replace(/stec_replace_summary/g, data.general.summary) .replace(/stec_replace_description/g, helper.nl2br(data.general.description)) .replace(/#stec_replace_link/g, data.general.link) .replace(/#stec_replace_googlecal_import/g, googleCalImportLink) .replace(/stec_replace_event_id/g, data.general.id) .replace(/stec_replace_calendar_id/g, data.general.calid) .replace(/stec_replace_event_single_url/g, url ); }); if (data.general.link == "") { $inner.find('.stec-layout-event-inner-intro-external-link').hide(); } var slider = { cslide: 0, offset: 0, total: 0, blockAction: false, visCount: 0, visCountSmall: 3, visCountBig: 4, init: function () { var parent = this; if (!data.general.images_meta || data.general.images_meta.length <= 0) { $inner.find('.stec-layout-event-inner-intro-media').remove(); // Remove tab preloaders $inner.find('.stec-layout-event-inner-preload-wrap').children().first().unwrap(); $inner.find('.stec-layout-event-inner-preload-wrap').remove(); $inner.find('.stec-preloader').remove(); return; } if (data.general.images_meta.length == 1) { $inner.find('.stec-layout-event-inner-intro-media-controls').remove(); } else { if (data.general.images_meta.length < this.visCountBig) { this.visCountBig = data.general.images_meta.length; } if (data.general.images_meta.length < this.visCountSmall) { this.visCountSmall = data.general.images_meta.length; } } this.html(); helper.imgLoaded($inner.find('.stec-layout-event-inner-intro-media-content img'), function () { // Remove tab preloaders $inner.find('.stec-layout-event-inner-preload-wrap').children().first().unwrap(); $inner.find('.stec-layout-event-inner-preload-wrap').remove(); $inner.find('.stec-preloader').remove(); setTimeout(function(){ parent.controlsDimensions(); parent.showImage(); $inner.find('.stec-layout-event-inner-intro-media').fadeTo(1000,1); }, 100); }); this.bindControls(); }, bindControls: function(){ var parent = this; // resize on tab click $(document).on('stec-tab-click-'+glob.options.id, function(){ parent.controlsDimensions(); }); helper.onResizeEnd(function () { parent.controlsDimensions(); }, 100, 'stec-unbind-window-resize-on-event-close-'+glob.options.id); $inner.find('.stec-layout-event-inner-intro-media-controls-next').on(helper.clickHandle(), function(e){ e.preventDefault(); parent.slideNext(); }); $inner.find('.stec-layout-event-inner-intro-media-controls-prev').on(helper.clickHandle(), function(e){ e.preventDefault(); parent.slidePrev(); }); $inner.find('.stec-layout-event-inner-intro-media-controls li').on(helper.clickHandle(), function(e){ e.preventDefault(); if (parent.cslide == $(this).index()) { return; } parent.cslide = $(this).index(); parent.showImage(); }); }, html: function(){ var html = ''; $(data.general.images_meta).each(function(){ html += '
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    ' + this.caption + '

    '; } if (this.description != '') { html += ' ' + this.description + ''; } html += '
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  • '; html += '
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} }; slider.init(); var clock = { days: 0, hours: 0, minutes: 0, seconds: 0, daysLabel: '', hoursLabel: '', mionutesLabel: '', secondsLabel: '', interval: '', init: function () { // Check counter disabled if (data.general.counter != 1) { $inner.find('.stec-layout-event-inner-intro-counter').hide(); return; } var nowDate = helper.getCalNow(parseInt(data.general.timezone_utc_offset, 10)/3600); var startDate = helper.dbDateTimeToDate(start_date); var timeLeft = Math.floor((startDate.getTime() - nowDate.getTime()) / 1000); this.days = Math.floor(timeLeft / 86400); this.hours = Math.floor(timeLeft % 86400 / 3600); this.minutes = Math.floor(timeLeft % 86400 % 3600 / 60); this.seconds = Math.floor(timeLeft % 86400 % 3600 % 60); $inner.find('.stec-layout-event-inner-intro-counter-num').eq(0).text(this.days); $inner.find('.stec-layout-event-inner-intro-counter-num').eq(1).text(this.hours); $inner.find('.stec-layout-event-inner-intro-counter-num').eq(2).text(this.minutes); $inner.find('.stec-layout-event-inner-intro-counter-num').eq(3).text(this.seconds); this.daysLabel = $inner.find('.stec-layout-event-inner-intro-counter-label').eq(0); this.hoursLabel = $inner.find('.stec-layout-event-inner-intro-counter-label').eq(1); this.minutesLabel = $inner.find('.stec-layout-event-inner-intro-counter-label').eq(2); this.secondsLabel = $inner.find('.stec-layout-event-inner-intro-counter-label').eq(3); this.daysLabel.text(this.days == 1 ? this.daysLabel.attr('data-singular-label') : this.daysLabel.attr('data-plural-label')); this.hoursLabel.text(this.hours == 1 ? this.hoursLabel.attr('data-singular-label') : this.hoursLabel.attr('data-plural-label')); this.minutesLabel.text(this.minutes == 1 ? this.minutesLabel.attr('data-singular-label') : this.minutesLabel.attr('data-plural-label')); this.secondsLabel.text(this.seconds == 1 ? this.secondsLabel.attr('data-singular-label') : this.secondsLabel.attr('data-plural-label')); if (timeLeft < 0) { this.complete(); return; } this.count(); }, count: function () { var parent = this; parent.interval = setInterval(function () { parent.seconds--; if (parent.seconds < 0) { parent.seconds = 59; parent.minutes--; if (parent.minutes < 0) { parent.minutes = 59; parent.hours--; if (parent.hours < 0) { parent.hours = 23; if (parent.days > 0) { parent.days--; } $inner.find('.stec-layout-event-inner-intro-counter-num').eq(0).text(parent.days); parent.daysLabel.text(parent.days == 1 ? parent.daysLabel.attr('data-singular-label') : parent.daysLabel.attr('data-plural-label')); } $inner.find('.stec-layout-event-inner-intro-counter-num').eq(1).text(parent.hours); parent.hoursLabel.text(parent.hours == 1 ? parent.hoursLabel.attr('data-singular-label') : parent.hoursLabel.attr('data-plural-label')); } $inner.find('.stec-layout-event-inner-intro-counter-num').eq(2).text(parent.minutes); parent.minutesLabel.text(parent.minutes == 1 ? parent.minutesLabel.attr('data-singular-label') : parent.minutesLabel.attr('data-plural-label')); } $inner.find('.stec-layout-event-inner-intro-counter-num').eq(3).text(parent.seconds); parent.secondsLabel.text(parent.seconds == 1 ? parent.secondsLabel.attr('data-singular-label') : parent.secondsLabel.attr('data-plural-label')); if (parent.days == 0 && parent.hours == 0 && parent.minutes == 0 && parent.seconds == 0) { clearInterval(parent.interval); parent.complete(); } }, 1000); }, complete: function () { $inner.find('.stec-layout-event-inner-intro-counter-num').eq(0).text(0); $inner.find('.stec-layout-event-inner-intro-counter-num').eq(1).text(0); $inner.find('.stec-layout-event-inner-intro-counter-num').eq(2).text(0); $inner.find('.stec-layout-event-inner-intro-counter-num').eq(3).text(0); this.daysLabel.text(this.days == 1 ? this.daysLabel.attr('data-singular-label') : this.daysLabel.attr('data-plural-label')); this.hoursLabel.text(this.hours == 1 ? this.hoursLabel.attr('data-singular-label') : this.hoursLabel.attr('data-plural-label')); this.minutesLabel.text(this.minutes == 1 ? this.minutesLabel.attr('data-singular-label') : this.minutesLabel.attr('data-plural-label')); this.secondsLabel.text(this.seconds == 1 ? this.secondsLabel.attr('data-singular-label') : this.secondsLabel.attr('data-plural-label')); $inner.find('.stec-layout-event-inner-intro-counter').hide(); var now = helper.getCalNow(parseInt(data.general.timezone_utc_offset, 10)/3600); var endDate = helper.dbDateTimeToDate(end_date); if (now >= endDate) { $inner.find('.stec-layout-event-inner-intro-event-status-text.event-expired').show(); } else { $inner.find('.stec-layout-event-inner-intro-event-status-text.event-inprogress').show(); } } }; clock.init(); // Attend / Decline function ajaxAttendance(status) { // status // 0 - no decision // 1 - accept // 2 - decline glob.ajax = $.ajax({ dataType: "json", type: 'POST', url: window.ajaxurl, data: { action: 'stec_public_ajax_action', task: 'set_user_event_attendance', event_id: data.general.id, repeat_offset: data.repeat_time_offset, status: status }, beforeSend: function () { if (glob.ajax !== null) { glob.ajax.abort(); } $inner.find('.stec-layout-event-inner-intro-attendance').children().hide(); $('
  • ' + glob.template.preloader + '
  • ').addClass('intro-attendance') .appendTo($inner.find('.stec-layout-event-inner-intro-attendance')); }, success: function (rtrn) { var status = parseInt(rtrn.status, 10); var id = parseInt(rtrn.id, 10); $inner.find('.stec-layout-event-inner-intro-attendance li').removeClass('active'); $event.find('.stec-layout-event-inner-attendance-invited-buttons li').removeClass('active'); var $avatar = $event.find('.stec-layout-event-inner-attendance-attendee-avatar') .filter('[data-userid="' + glob.options.userid + '"]'); switch (status) { case 1 : $inner.find('.stec-layout-event-inner-intro-attendance-attend').addClass('active'); $event.find('.stec-layout-event-inner-attendance-invited-buttons-accept').addClass('active'); $avatar.find('li i').attr('class', 'fa fa-check'); break; case 2 : $inner.find('.stec-layout-event-inner-intro-attendance-decline').addClass('active'); $event.find('.stec-layout-event-inner-attendance-invited-buttons-decline').addClass('active'); $avatar.find('li i').attr('class', 'fa fa-times'); break; default: $avatar.find('li i').attr('class', 'fa fa-question'); } var hasData = false; $(data.attendance).each(function(){ if (this.id == id) { this.status = status; hasData = true; return false; // break } }); if (!hasData) { // no data copy original with new status and id $(data.attendance).each(function(){ if (this.userid == glob.options.userid) { // make fresh copy var copy = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this)); copy.repeat_offset = data.repeat_time_offset; copy.status = status; copy.id = id; data.attendance.push(copy); return false; // break } }); } }, error: function (xhr, status, thrown) { console.log(xhr + " " + status + " " + thrown); }, complete: function () { glob.ajax = null; $inner.find('.stec-layout-event-inner-intro-attendance').children().show(); $inner.find('.stec-layout-event-inner-intro-attendance').children().last().remove(); } }); } $inner.find('.stec-layout-event-inner-intro-attendance-attend').on(helper.clickHandle(), function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var status = $(this).hasClass('active') ? 0 : 1; ajaxAttendance(status); }); $inner.find('.stec-layout-event-inner-intro-attendance-decline').on(helper.clickHandle(), function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var status = $(this).hasClass('active') ? 0 : 2; ajaxAttendance(status); }); var invited_user = false; if (!isNaN(glob.options.userid)) { // check if user is invited $(data.attendance).each(function () { if (this.userid == glob.options.userid) { invited_user = true; return false; // break } }); } if (invited_user !== false) { var status = 0; $(data.attendance).each(function () { if (this.userid == glob.options.userid && this.repeat_offset == data.repeat_time_offset) { status = parseInt(this.status, 10); return false; // break } }); switch (status) { case 1: $inner.find('.stec-layout-event-inner-intro-attendance-attend').addClass('active'); $inner.find('.stec-layout-event-inner-intro-attendance-decline').removeClass('active'); break; case 2: $inner.find('.stec-layout-event-inner-intro-attendance-attend').removeClass('active'); $inner.find('.stec-layout-event-inner-intro-attendance-decline').addClass('active'); break; } } else { $inner.find('.stec-layout-event-inner-intro-attendance').hide(); } // Check if event is in progress var nowDate = helper.getCalNow(parseInt(data.general.timezone_utc_offset, 10)/3600); var startDate = helper.dbDateTimeToDate(helper.dbDateOffset(data.general.start_date, data.repeat_time_offset)); if (nowDate >= startDate) { $inner.find('.stec-layout-event-inner-intro-attendance').hide(); } // Attachments if (data.attachments.length > 0) { var attachments_template = $inner.find('.stec-layout-event-inner-intro-attachment-template')[0].outerHTML; $inner.find('.stec-layout-event-inner-intro-attachment-template').remove(); $(data.attachments).each(function () { var th = this; $(attachments_template).html(function (index, html) { return html .replace(/stec_replace_filename/g, th.filename) .replace(/stec_replace_desc/g, th.description) .replace(/stec_replace_url/g, th.link) .replace(/stec_replace_size/g, th.size); }).appendTo($inner.find('.stec-layout-event-inner-intro-attachments-list')); }); $inner.find('.stec-layout-event-inner-intro-attachments-toggle').on(helper.clickHandle(), function (e) { e.preventDefault(); $(this).toggleClass('active'); $inner.find('.stec-layout-event-inner-intro-attachments-list').toggleClass('active'); }); } else { $inner.find('.stec-layout-event-inner-intro-attachments').remove(); } $inner.find('.stec-layout-event-inner-intro-exports-toggle').on(helper.clickHandle(), function (e) { e.preventDefault(); $(this).toggleClass('active'); $inner.find('.stec-layout-event-inner-intro-exports-options').toggleClass('active'); }); // inside slider init // helper.imgLoaded($inner.find('img'), function(){ // // Remove tab preloaders // $inner.find('.stec-layout-event-inner-preload-wrap').children().first().unwrap(); // $inner.find('.stec-layout-event-inner-preload-wrap').remove(); // $inner.find('.stec-preloader').remove(); // }); }, 'onEventDataReady'); })(jQuery); // source --> http://www.kolarac.rs/wp-content/plugins/stachethemes_event_calendar/stachethemes/../front/js/adds/location.js?ver=4.8.25 (function ($) { "use strict"; $.stecExtend(function (master) { // add preloader var $tab = master.$instance.find('.stec-layout-event.active').find('.stec-layout-event-inner-location'); $tab.wrapInner('
    '); $(master.glob.template.preloader).appendTo($tab); }, 'onBeforeEventDataAjax'); $.stecExtend(function (master, data) { if (data.general.location == '') { return; } var glob = master.glob; var $instance = master.$instance; var helper = master.helper; var $event = $instance.$events.find('.stec-layout-event.active'); var $inner = $event.find('.stec-layout-event-inner-location'); $inner.html(function (index, html) { return html .replace(/stec_replace_location/g, data.general.location) .replace(/stec_replace_details/g, data.general.location_details); }); if ($.trim($inner.find('.stec-layout-event-inner-location-details').text()) == "") { $inner.find('.stec-layout-event-inner-location-optional-details').hide(); } /** * @todo Instance or Single? */ var gmap = function () { this.$tabCont = ""; this.directionsService = ""; this.directionsDisplay = ""; this.map = ""; this.geocoder = ""; this.mapDiv = ""; this.marker = ""; this.address = ""; this.init = function ($el) { var parent = this; parent.mapDiv = $el.get(0); parent.map = new window.google.maps.Map(parent.mapDiv, { zoom: 15 }); parent.geocoder = new window.google.maps.Geocoder(); parent.directionsService = new window.google.maps.DirectionsService; parent.directionsDisplay = new window.google.maps.DirectionsRenderer; parent.directionsDisplay.setMap(parent.map); parent.$tabCont = $el.parents(".stec-layout-event-inner-location"); parent.address = parent.$tabCont.find(".stec-layout-event-inner-location-address").text(); parent.setLocation(parent.address); // start end directions var $start = parent.$tabCont.find('input[name="start"]'); var $end = parent.$tabCont.find('input[name="end"]'); if ($.trim($end.val()) == "") { $end.val(parent.$tabCont.find(".stec-layout-event-inner-location-address").text()); } if ($.trim($start.val()) == "") { parent.fillMyLocation($start); } this.bindControls(); // Remove tab preloaders $inner.find('.stec-layout-event-inner-preload-wrap').children().first().unwrap(); $inner.find('.stec-layout-event-inner-preload-wrap').remove(); $inner.find('.stec-preloader').remove(); }; this.bindControls = function () { var parent = this; helper.onResizeEnd(function () { parent.refresh(); }, 150, 'stec-unbind-window-resize-on-event-close-'+glob.options.id); parent.$tabCont .parents('.stec-layout-event-inner') .find('[data-tab="stec-layout-event-inner-location"]') .on(helper.clickHandle(), function (e) { parent.refresh(false); }); parent.$tabCont.find(".stec-layout-event-inner-location-left-button").on(helper.clickHandle(), function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var $tabCont = $(this).parents(".stec-layout-event-inner-location"); var $start = $tabCont.find('input[name="start"]'); var $end = $tabCont.find('input[name="end"]'); if ($.trim($start.val() != "") && $.trim($end.val() != "")) { parent.getDirection($start.val(), $end.val()); } }); }, this.refresh = function (centerOnLocation) { var parent = this; setTimeout(function(){ window.google.maps.event.trigger(parent.mapDiv, 'resize'); if (centerOnLocation === true) { parent.setLocation(parent.address); } }, 10); // timeout fixes resize bug }; this.fillMyLocation = function ($el) { var parent = this; if (glob.options.myLocation) { $el.val(glob.options.myLocation); return; } if (navigator.geolocation) { navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition( function (position) { var pos = position.coords.latitude + " " + position.coords.longitude; parent.geocoder.geocode({'address': pos}, function (results, status) { glob.options.myLocation = (results[0].formatted_address); $el.val(glob.options.myLocation); }); }, function (a,b,c) { console.log('Navigator Geolocation Error'); } ); } }; this.setLocation = function (address) { var parent = this; if (data.general.location_use_coord == 1) { var latlng = data.general.location_forecast.split(','); var pos = { lat:parseFloat($.trim(latlng[0])), lng:parseFloat($.trim(latlng[1])) }; parent.map.setCenter(pos); parent.marker = new window.google.maps.Marker({ map: parent.map, position: pos, title: address }); } else { parent.geocoder.geocode({'address': address}, function (results, status) { if (status === window.google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK) { parent.map.setCenter(results[0].geometry.location); parent.marker = new window.google.maps.Marker({ map: parent.map, position: results[0].geometry.location, title: address }); } else { console.log("Geocoder error: " + status); } }); } parent.refresh(); }; this.getDirection = function (a, b) { var parent = this; parent.directionsService.route({ origin: a, destination: b ? b : parent.marker.position, travelMode: window.google.maps.TravelMode.DRIVING }, function (response, status) { if (status === window.google.maps.DirectionsStatus.OK) { parent.directionsDisplay.setDirections(response); } else { console.log("Direction Service Error"); $inner.find('.stec-layout-event-inner-location-direction-error').stop().fadeTo(250,1, function(){ setTimeout(function(){ $inner.find('.stec-layout-event-inner-location-direction-error').fadeTo(250,0); }, 3000); }); } }); }; }; function loadMap($event) { var $mapCont = $event.find(".stec-layout-event-inner-location-right-gmap"); // init once if ($mapCont.children().length <= 0) { new gmap().init($mapCont); } } $(document).on('stec-tab-click-' + glob.options.id, function () { if ($inner.is(':visible')) { var $event = $inner.parents('.stec-layout-event'); loadMap($event); } }); }, 'onEventDataReady'); })(jQuery); // source --> http://www.kolarac.rs/wp-content/plugins/stachethemes_event_calendar/stachethemes/../front/js/adds/schedule.js?ver=4.8.25 (function ($) { "use strict"; $.stecExtend(function (master) { // add preloader var $tab = master.$instance.find('.stec-layout-event.active').find('.stec-layout-event-inner-schedule'); $tab.wrapInner('
    '); $(master.glob.template.preloader).appendTo($tab); }, 'onBeforeEventDataAjax'); $.stecExtend(function (master, data) { if (data.schedule.length <= 0) { return; } var $instance = master.$instance; var helper = master.helper; var $event = $instance.$events.find('.stec-layout-event.active'); var $inner = $event.find('.stec-layout-event-inner-schedule'); var template = $inner.find('.stec-layout-event-inner-schedule-tab-template')[0].outerHTML; $inner.find('.stec-layout-event-inner-schedule-tab-template').remove(); if (data.schedule.length > 0) { $(data.schedule).each(function(){ var th = this; var customKlass = ''; if (th.description == '') { customKlass += ' stec-layout-event-inner-schedule-tab-no-desc '; } if (th.icon == "" || th.icon == "fa") { customKlass += ' stec-layout-event-inner-schedule-tab-no-icon '; } $(template) .addClass(customKlass) .html(function(index, html){ // add the repeat offset var start = helper.dbDateTimeToDate(helper.dbDateOffset(th.start_date, data.repeat_time_offset)); var format = 'd m y'; switch (master.glob.options.general_settings.date_format) { case 'dd-mm-yy' : format = 'd M'; break; case 'yy-mm-dd' : format = 'M d'; break; case 'mm-dd-yy' : format = 'M d'; break; } return html .replace(/stec_replace_date/g, helper.dateToFormat(format,start)) .replace(/stec_replace_time/g, helper.dateToFormat('h:i',start)) .replace(/stec_replace_icon/g, th.icon) .replace(/stec_replace_color/g, 'style="color:'+th.icon_color+'"') .replace(/stec_replace_title/g, th.title) .replace(/stec_replace_desc/g, helper.nl2br(th.description)); }) .removeClass('stec-layout-event-inner-schedule-tab-template') .appendTo($inner); }); $inner.find('.stec-layout-event-inner-schedule-isempty').remove(); $inner.find('.stec-layout-event-inner-schedule-tab').first().addClass('open'); } $inner.find('.stec-layout-event-inner-schedule-tab-preview') .off(helper.clickHandle('open')) .on(helper.clickHandle('open'), function(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); $(this).parents(".stec-layout-event-inner-schedule-tab").not('.stec-layout-event-inner-schedule-tab-no-desc').toggleClass("open"); }); // Remove tab preloaders $inner.find('.stec-layout-event-inner-preload-wrap').children().first().unwrap(); $inner.find('.stec-layout-event-inner-preload-wrap').remove(); $inner.find('.stec-preloader').remove(); }, 'onEventDataReady'); })(jQuery); // source --> http://www.kolarac.rs/wp-content/plugins/stachethemes_event_calendar/stachethemes/../front/js/adds/guests.js?ver=4.8.25 (function ($) { "use strict"; $.stecExtend(function (master) { // add preloader var $tab = master.$instance.find('.stec-layout-event.active').find('.stec-layout-event-inner-guests'); $tab.wrapInner('
    '); $(master.glob.template.preloader).appendTo($tab); }, 'onBeforeEventDataAjax'); $.stecExtend(function (master, data) { if (data.guests.length <= 0) { return; } var $instance = master.$instance; var $event = $instance.$events.find('.stec-layout-event.active'); var $inner = $event.find('.stec-layout-event-inner-guests'); var template = $inner.find('.stec-layout-event-inner-guests-guest-template')[0].outerHTML; $inner.find('.stec-layout-event-inner-guests-guest-template').remove(); if (data.guests.length > 0) { $(data.guests).each(function(i){ var th = this; $(template).html(function(index, html){ var links = th.links.split('||'); var lis = []; $(links).each(function(pos){ var link = this.split('::'); lis[pos] = '
  • '; }); var avatar; if (!th.photo_full) { avatar = '
    '; } else { avatar = 'stec_replace_name'; } return html .replace(/stec_replace_ico_position/g, i) .replace(/stec_replace_avatar/g, avatar) .replace(/stec_replace_social/g, lis.join('')) .replace(/stec_replace_name/g, th.name) .replace(/stec_replace_about/g, th.about); }) .removeClass('stec-layout-event-inner-guests-guest-template') .appendTo($inner); }); } // Remove tab preloaders $inner.find('.stec-layout-event-inner-preload-wrap').children().first().unwrap(); $inner.find('.stec-layout-event-inner-preload-wrap').remove(); $inner.find('.stec-preloader').remove(); }, 'onEventDataReady'); })(jQuery); // source --> http://www.kolarac.rs/wp-content/plugins/stachethemes_event_calendar/stachethemes/../front/js/adds/attendance.js?ver=4.8.25 (function ($) { "use strict"; $.stecExtend(function (master) { // add preloader var $tab = master.$instance.find('.stec-layout-event.active').find('.stec-layout-event-inner-attendance'); $tab.wrapInner('
    '); $(master.glob.template.preloader).appendTo($tab); }, 'onBeforeEventDataAjax'); $.stecExtend(function (master, data) { if (data.attendance.length <= 0) { return; } var $instance = master.$instance; var helper = master.helper; var glob = master.glob; var $event = $instance.$events.find('.stec-layout-event.active'); var $inner = $event.find('.stec-layout-event-inner-attendance'); var template = $inner.find('.stec-layout-event-inner-attendance-attendee-template')[0].outerHTML; $inner.find('.stec-layout-event-inner-attendance-attendee-template').remove(); var attendees = []; $(data.attendance).each(function(){ // initial event if (this.repeat_offset == 0) { attendees.push(this); } }); attendees = jQuery.unique(attendees); if (attendees.length > 0) { $(attendees).each(function (i) { var th = this; $(template).html(function (index, html) { var statusKlass = ''; switch (parseInt(th.status, 10)) { case 1: statusKlass = 'fa fa-check'; break; case 2: statusKlass = 'fa fa-times'; break; default: statusKlass = 'fa fa-question'; } return html .replace(/stec_replace_name/g, th.name) .replace(/#stec_replace_avatar/g, th.avatar) .replace(/stec_replace_userid/g, th.userid ? th.userid : '') .replace(/stec_replace_status/g, '
  • '); }) .removeClass('stec-layout-event-inner-attendance-attendee-template') .appendTo($inner.find('.stec-layout-event-inner-attendance-attendees')); }); } var invited_user = false; if (!isNaN(glob.options.userid)) { // check if user is invited $(data.attendance).each(function () { if (this.userid == glob.options.userid) { invited_user = true; return false; // break } }); } if (invited_user !== false) { var status = 0; $(data.attendance).each(function () { if (this.userid == glob.options.userid && this.repeat_offset == data.repeat_time_offset) { status = parseInt(this.status, 10); return false; // break } }); var $avatar = $inner.find('.stec-layout-event-inner-attendance-attendee-avatar') .filter('[data-userid="' + glob.options.userid + '"]'); switch (status) { case 1: // accepted $inner.find('.stec-layout-event-inner-attendance-invited-buttons-accept').addClass('active'); $inner.find('.stec-layout-event-inner-attendance-invited-buttons-decline').removeClass('active'); $avatar.find('li i').attr('class', 'fa fa-check'); break; case 2: // declined $inner.find('.stec-layout-event-inner-attendance-invited-buttons-accept').removeClass('active'); $inner.find('.stec-layout-event-inner-attendance-invited-buttons-decline').addClass('active'); $avatar.find('li i').attr('class', 'fa fa-times'); break; } } else { $inner.find('.stec-layout-event-inner-attendance-invited').remove(); } // Attend / Decline function ajaxAttendance(status) { // status // 0 - no decision // 1 - accept // 2 - decline glob.ajax = $.ajax({ dataType: "json", type: 'POST', url: window.ajaxurl, data: { action: 'stec_public_ajax_action', task: 'set_user_event_attendance', event_id: data.general.id, repeat_offset: data.repeat_time_offset, status: status }, beforeSend: function () { if (glob.ajax !== null) { glob.ajax.abort(); } $inner.find('.stec-layout-event-inner-attendance-invited-buttons').hide(); $(glob.template.preloader).appendTo($inner.find('.stec-layout-event-inner-attendance-invited')); }, success: function (rtrn) { var status = parseInt(rtrn.status, 10); var id = parseInt(rtrn.id, 10); $event.find('.stec-layout-event-inner-intro-attendance li').removeClass('active'); $inner.find('.stec-layout-event-inner-attendance-invited-buttons li').removeClass('active'); var $avatar = $inner.find('.stec-layout-event-inner-attendance-attendee-avatar') .filter('[data-userid="' + glob.options.userid + '"]'); switch (parseInt(rtrn.status, 10)) { case 1 : $event.find('.stec-layout-event-inner-intro-attendance-attend').addClass('active'); $inner.find('.stec-layout-event-inner-attendance-invited-buttons-accept').addClass('active'); $avatar.find('li i').attr('class', 'fa fa-check'); break; case 2 : $event.find('.stec-layout-event-inner-intro-attendance-decline').addClass('active'); $inner.find('.stec-layout-event-inner-attendance-invited-buttons-decline').addClass('active'); $avatar.find('li i').attr('class', 'fa fa-times'); break; default: $avatar.find('li i').attr('class', 'fa fa-question'); } var hasData = false; $(data.attendance).each(function(){ if (this.id == id) { this.status = status; hasData = true; return false; // break } }); if (!hasData) { // no data copy original with new status and id $(data.attendance).each(function(){ if (this.userid == glob.options.userid) { // make fresh copy var copy = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this)); copy.repeat_offset = data.repeat_time_offset; copy.status = status; copy.id = id; data.attendance.push(copy); return false; // break } }); } }, error: function (xhr, status, thrown) { console.log(xhr + " " + status + " " + thrown); }, complete: function () { glob.ajax = null; $inner.find('.stec-layout-event-inner-attendance-invited-buttons').css('display','flex'); $inner.find('.stec-layout-event-inner-attendance-invited').find('.stec-preloader').remove(); } }); } $inner.find('.stec-layout-event-inner-attendance-invited-buttons-accept').on(helper.clickHandle(), function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var status = $(this).hasClass('active') ? 0 : 1; ajaxAttendance(status); }); $inner.find('.stec-layout-event-inner-attendance-invited-buttons-decline').on(helper.clickHandle(), function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var status = $(this).hasClass('active') ? 0 : 2; ajaxAttendance(status); }); // Check if event is in progress var nowDate = new Date(); var startDate = helper.dbDateTimeToDate(helper.dbDateOffset(data.general.start_date, data.repeat_time_offset)); if (nowDate >= startDate) { $inner.find('.stec-layout-event-inner-attendance-invited').hide(); } // Remove tab preloaders $inner.find('.stec-layout-event-inner-preload-wrap').children().first().unwrap(); $inner.find('.stec-layout-event-inner-preload-wrap').remove(); $inner.find('.stec-preloader').remove(); }, 'onEventDataReady'); })(jQuery); // source --> http://www.kolarac.rs/wp-content/plugins/stachethemes_event_calendar/stachethemes/../front/js/adds/comments.js?ver=4.8.25 (function ($) { "use strict"; $.stecExtend(function (master) { var $instance = master.$instance; var helper = master.helper; var disqus = { loadCommentsCount: function () { var disqus_shortname = master.glob.options.general_settings.disqus_shortname; $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: "//" + disqus_shortname + ".disqus.com/count.js", dataType: "script", cache: true }); }, loadComments: function ($tabCont) { $instance.$events.find("#disqus_thread").remove(); $('
    ').appendTo($tabCont); var eventId = $tabCont.parents('.stec-layout-event').attr('data-id'); var disqus_shortname = master.glob.options.general_settings.disqus_shortname; var disqus_title = $tabCont.parents('.stec-layout-event') .find('.stec-layout-event-preview-left-text-title') .text(); window.disqus_url = window.location.href + "#!stecEventDiscussion" + eventId; window.disqus_identifier = "stecEventID" + eventId; window.disqus_title = disqus_title; if (typeof window.DISQUS === "undefined") { $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: "//" + disqus_shortname + ".disqus.com/embed.js", dataType: "script", cache: true }); } else { window.DISQUS.reset({ reload: true }); } } }; function tabToggle($event) { if ($event .find('.stec-layout-event-inner-top-tabs') .children('.active[data-tab="stec-layout-event-inner-comments"]') .length > 0) { loadComments($event); } } function loadComments($event) { if ($event .find('.stec-layout-event-inner-comments') .find('#disqus_thread').length <= 0) { disqus.loadComments($event.find('.stec-layout-event-inner-comments')); } } $(document).on(helper.clickHandle(), $instance.$events.path + ' .stec-layout-event-inner-top-tabs li', function () { if ($(this).attr('data-tab') == "stec-layout-event-inner-comments") { var $event = $(this).parents('.stec-layout-event-inner'); loadComments($event); } }); $(document).on(helper.clickHandle(), $instance.$events.path + (".stec-layout-event-preview-right-event-toggle"), function (e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); tabToggle($(this).parents('.stec-layout-event')); }); $(document).on(helper.clickHandle(), $instance.$events.path + '.stec-layout-event', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); tabToggle($(this)); }); }); })(jQuery); // source --> http://www.kolarac.rs/wp-content/plugins/stachethemes_event_calendar/stachethemes/../front/js/adds/forecast.js?ver=4.8.25 (function ($) { "use strict"; $.stecExtend(function (master) { var $tab = master.$instance.find('.stec-layout-event.active').find('.stec-layout-event-inner-forecast'); $tab.wrapInner('
    '); $(master.glob.template.preloader).appendTo($tab); }, 'onBeforeEventDataAjax'); $.stecExtend(function (master, data) { if (data.general.location_forecast == '') { return; } var $instance = master.$instance; var helper = master.helper; var glob = master.glob; var $event = $instance.$events.find('.stec-layout-event.active'); var $inner = $event.find('.stec-layout-event-inner-forecast'); var template = $inner.find('.stec-layout-event-inner-forecast-details-left-forecast-day-template')[0].outerHTML; $inner.find('.stec-layout-event-inner-forecast-details-left-forecast-day-template').remove(); function floorFigure(figure, decimals) { if (!decimals) decimals = 2; var d = Math.pow(10, decimals); return (parseInt(figure * d) / d).toFixed(decimals); } var getWeather = function () { if (data.forecast) { if (!data.forecast.error) { fillData(); } else { fillError(); } return; } var location = data.general.location_forecast; glob.ajax = $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: window.ajaxurl, data: { action: 'stec_public_ajax_action', task: 'get_weather_data', location: function () { location = location.split(','); location[0] = floorFigure(location[0]); location[1] = floorFigure(location[1]); location = location.join(','); return location; } }, beforeSend: function () { if (glob.ajax !== null) { glob.ajax.abort(); } }, success: function (rtrn) { if (rtrn) { if (!data.forecast) { data.forecast = rtrn; } // error ? if (data.forecast.error || !data.forecast) { fillError(); return; } fillData(rtrn); } else { fillError(); } }, error: function (xhr, status, thrown) { fillError(); console.log(xhr + " " + status + " " + thrown); }, complete: function () { glob.ajax = null; // Remove tabs preloaders $inner.find('.stec-layout-event-inner-preload-wrap').children().first().unwrap(); $inner.find('.stec-layout-event-inner-preload-wrap').remove(); $inner.find('.stec-preloader').remove(); }, dataType: "json" }); }; var fillData = function () { var fiveDays = []; var i = 0; var forecast = data.forecast; $(forecast.daily.data).each(function () { if (i > 4) return false; var th = this; var icon = iconToiconHTML(th.icon, true); // Localtime var d = helper.treatAsUTC(new Date(this.time * 1000)); d.setHours(d.getHours() + forecast.offset); var format = 'dd-mm'; switch (glob.options.general_settings.date_format) { case 'dd-mm-yy' : format = 'd M'; break; case 'mm-dd-yy' : format = 'M d'; break; case 'yy-mm-dd' : format = 'M d'; break; } var niceday = helper.dateToFormat(format, d); fiveDays[i] = $(template).html(function (index, html) { var tempFmin = Math.round(th.temperatureMin); var tempCmin = Math.round((tempFmin - 32) * 5 / 9); var tempFmax = Math.round(th.temperatureMax); var tempCmax = Math.round((tempFmax - 32) * 5 / 9); return html .replace(/\bstec_replace_date\b/g, niceday) .replace(/\bstec_replace_min\b/g, glob.options.general_settings.temp_units == "C" ? tempCmin : tempFmin) .replace(/\bstec_replace_max\b/g, glob.options.general_settings.temp_units == "C" ? tempCmax : tempFmax) .replace(/\bstec_replace_temp_units\b/g, glob.options.general_settings.temp_units == "C" ? "C" : "F") .replace(/\bstec_replace_icon_div\b/g, icon); })[0].outerHTML; i++; }); fiveDays = fiveDays.join(''); $inner.html(function (index, html) { var icon = iconToiconHTML(forecast.currently.icon); var tempF = Math.round(forecast.currently.temperature); var tempC = Math.round((tempF - 32) * 5 / 9); var apTempF = Math.round(forecast.currently.apparentTemperature); var apTempC = Math.round((tempF - 32) * 5 / 9); var windMPH = Math.round(forecast.currently.windSpeed); var windKPH = Math.round(windMPH * 1.609344); // Local time var d = helper.treatAsUTC(new Date(forecast.currently.time * 1000)); d.setHours(d.getHours() + forecast.offset); var niceday = helper.dateToFormat(false, d); return html .replace(/\bstec_replace_current_summary_text\b/g, iconToText(forecast.currently.icon)) .replace(/\bstec_replace_today_date\b/g, niceday) .replace(/\bstec_replace_location\b/g, helper.capitalizeFirstLetter(data.general.location)) .replace(/\bstec_replace_current_temp\b/g, glob.options.general_settings.temp_units == "C" ? tempC : tempF) .replace(/\bstec_replace_current_feels_like\b/g, glob.options.general_settings.temp_units == "C" ? apTempC : apTempF) .replace(/\bstec_replace_current_humidity\b/g, forecast.currently.humidity * 100) .replace(/\bstec_replace_current_temp_units/g, glob.options.general_settings.temp_units == "C" ? "C" : "F") .replace(/\bstec_replace_current_wind\b/g, glob.options.general_settings.wind_units == "MPH" ? windMPH : windKPH) .replace(/\bstec_replace_current_wind_units\b/g, glob.options.general_settings.wind_units == "MPH" ? "MPH" : "KPH") .replace(/\bstec_replace_current_wind_direction\b/g, getWindDir(forecast.currently.windBearing)) .replace(/\bstec_replace_today_icon_div\b/g, icon) .replace(/\bstec_replace_5days\b/g, fiveDays); }); // Chart instance setTimeout(function () { var humidity = [], tempC = [], tempF = [], rain = [], j = -1; var charTimeLabels = []; for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++) { j = j + 3; var th = forecast.hourly.data[j]; var tempf = Math.round(th.temperature); var tempc = Math.round((tempf - 32) * 5 / 9); tempC[i] = tempc; tempF[i] = tempf; humidity[i] = Math.round(th.humidity * 100); rain[i] = th.precipProbability * 100; // Local time var d = helper.treatAsUTC(new Date (th.time * 1000)); charTimeLabels.push(helper.dateToFormat('h:i', d)); } var ch = new chart(); ch.setCanvas($inner.find('.stec-layout-event-inner-forecast-details-chart canvas')); ch.setChartData({ labels: charTimeLabels, datasets: [ { label: window.stecLang.humidity_percents, data: humidity, backgroundColor: "rgba(200,200,200,0.1)", borderColor: "rgba(200,200,200,1)", pointBackgroundColor: "rgba(200,200,200,1)", fill: true, lineTension: 0.3, pointHoverRadius: 5, pointHitRadius: 10, borderWidth: 1 }, { label: window.stecLang.rain_chance_percents, data: rain, backgroundColor: "rgba(70,129,195,0.1)", borderColor: "rgba(70,129,195,1)", pointBackgroundColor: "rgba(70,129,195,1)", fill: true, lineTension: 0.3, pointHoverRadius: 5, pointHitRadius: 10, borderWidth: 1 }, { label: window.stecLang.temperature + ' ' + '\u00B0' + (glob.options.general_settings.temp_units == "C" ? 'C' : 'F'), data: glob.options.general_settings.temp_units == "C" ? tempC : tempF, backgroundColor: "rgba(252,183,85,0.3)", borderColor: "rgba(252,183,85,1)", pointBackgroundColor: "rgba(252,183,85,1)", fill: true, lineTension: 0.3, pointHoverRadius: 5, pointHitRadius: 10, borderWidth: 1 } ] }); ch.build(); helper.onResizeEnd(function () { if ($instance.hasClass('stec-media-small')) { ch.chart.options.legend.display = false; } else { ch.chart.options.legend.display = true; } ch.chart.update(); }, 50, 'stec-unbind-window-resize-on-event-close-' + glob.options.id); }, 0); }; function chart() { this.ctx, this.chartData, this.chart, this.setCanvas = function ($canvas) { var canvas = $canvas.get(0); var w = parseInt($inner.find('.stec-layout-event-inner-forecast-details-chart').width(), 10); var h = parseInt($inner.find('.stec-layout-event-inner-forecast-details-chart').height(), 10); canvas.width = w; canvas.height = h; this.ctx = $canvas.get(0).getContext("2d"); }, this.setChartData = function (chartData) { this.chartData = chartData; }, this.destroy = function () { this.chart.destroy(); }, this.build = function () { var parent = this; if (this.chart) { this.destroy(); } var generalTextColor = $inner.find('.stec-layout-event-inner-forecast-details-left-forecast-top p').css('color'); var generalFontFamily = $inner.find('.stec-layout-event-inner-forecast-details-left-forecast-top p').css('font-family'); var displayLegend = true; if ($instance.hasClass('stec-media-small')) { displayLegend = false; } this.chart = window.Chart(this.ctx, { type: 'line', data: parent.chartData, options: { maintainAspectRatio: false, responsive: true, defaultFontFamily: generalFontFamily, defaultFontColor: generalTextColor, legend: { display: displayLegend, labels: { fontFamily: generalFontFamily, fontColor: generalTextColor, fontSize: 12 } }, scales: { xAxes: [{ ticks: { fontFamily: generalFontFamily, fontSize: 11, fontColor: generalTextColor }, gridLines: { color: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.1)', zeroLineColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0)' } }], yAxes: [{ ticks: { fontFamily: generalFontFamily, fontSize: 11, fontColor: generalTextColor }, gridLines: { color: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.1)', zeroLineColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0)' } }] }, tooltips: { titleFontColor: '#fff', titleFontStyle: generalFontFamily, bodyFontFamily: generalFontFamily, bodyFontColor: '#fff' } } }); }; } function getWindDir(bearing) { while (bearing < 0) bearing += 360; while (bearing >= 360) bearing -= 360; var val = Math.round((bearing - 11.25) / 22.5); var arr = [ window.stecLang.N, window.stecLang.NNE, window.stecLang.NE, window.stecLang.ENE, window.stecLang.E, window.stecLang.ESE, window.stecLang.SE, window.stecLang.SSE, window.stecLang.S, window.stecLang.SSW, window.stecLang.SW, window.stecLang.WSW, window.stecLang.W, window.stecLang.WNW, window.stecLang.NW, window.stecLang.NNW ]; return arr[ Math.abs(val) ]; } var fillError = function () { $inner.find('.stec-layout-event-inner-forecast-content').remove(); $inner.find('.errorna').show(); }; function iconToText(icon) { switch (icon) { case ('clear-day') : case ('clear-night') : return window.stecLang.clear_sky; break; case ('partly-cloudy-day') : case ('partly-cloudy-night') : return window.stecLang.partly_cloudy; break; case ('cloudy') : return window.stecLang.cloudy; break; case ('fog') : return window.stecLang.fog; break; case ('rain') : return window.stecLang.rain; break; case ('sleet') : return window.stecLang.sleet; break; case ('snow') : return window.stecLang.snow; break; case ('wind') : return window.stecLang.wind; break; } } function iconToiconHTML(icon, forceday) { // clear-day, clear-night, rain, snow, sleet, wind, fog, cloudy, partly-cloudy-day, or partly-cloudy-night switch (icon) { case ('clear-day') : return '
    '; break; case ('clear-night') : return forceday ? '
    ' : '
    '; break; case ('partly-cloudy-day') : return '
    '; break; case ('partly-cloudy-night') : return forceday ? '
    ' : '
    '; break; case ('cloudy') : return '
    '; break; case ('fog') : return '
    '; break; case ('rain') : return '
    '; break; case ('sleet') : return '
    '; break; case ('snow') : return '
    '; break; case ('wind') : return '
    '; break; } } var isLoaded = false; $(window).on('stec-tab-click-' + glob.options.id, function () { if (!$(this).hasClass('active') && isLoaded === false) { getWeather(); isLoaded = true; } }); if ($inner.hasClass('active')) { getWeather(); isLoaded = true; } }, 'onEventDataReady'); })(jQuery); // source --> http://www.kolarac.rs/wp-content/plugins/stachethemes_event_calendar/stachethemes/../front/js/libs/colorpicker/colorpicker.js?ver=4.8.25 /** * * Color picker * Author: Stefan Petre www.eyecon.ro * * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses * * Modified by stachethemes to allow custom params * options.id * options.klass * */ (function ($) { var ColorPicker = function () { var ids = {}, inAction, charMin = 65, visible, tpl = '
    ', defaults = { eventName: 'click', onShow: function () {}, onBeforeShow: function(){}, onHide: function () {}, onChange: function () {}, onSubmit: function () {}, color: 'ff0000', livePreview: true, flat: false }, fillRGBFields = function (hsb, cal) { var rgb = HSBToRGB(hsb); $(cal).data('colorpicker').fields .eq(1).val(rgb.r).end() .eq(2).val(rgb.g).end() .eq(3).val(rgb.b).end(); }, fillHSBFields = function (hsb, cal) { $(cal).data('colorpicker').fields .eq(4).val(hsb.h).end() .eq(5).val(hsb.s).end() .eq(6).val(hsb.b).end(); }, fillHexFields = function (hsb, cal) { $(cal).data('colorpicker').fields .eq(0).val(HSBToHex(hsb)).end(); }, setSelector = function (hsb, cal) { $(cal).data('colorpicker').selector.css('backgroundColor', '#' + HSBToHex({h: hsb.h, s: 100, b: 100})); $(cal).data('colorpicker').selectorIndic.css({ left: parseInt(150 * hsb.s/100, 10), top: parseInt(150 * (100-hsb.b)/100, 10) }); }, setHue = function (hsb, cal) { $(cal).data('colorpicker').hue.css('top', parseInt(150 - 150 * hsb.h/360, 10)); }, setCurrentColor = function (hsb, cal) { $(cal).data('colorpicker').currentColor.css('backgroundColor', '#' + HSBToHex(hsb)); }, setNewColor = function (hsb, cal) { $(cal).data('colorpicker').newColor.css('backgroundColor', '#' + HSBToHex(hsb)); }, keyDown = function (ev) { var pressedKey = ev.charCode || ev.keyCode || -1; if ((pressedKey > charMin && pressedKey <= 90) || pressedKey == 32) { return false; } var cal = $(this).parent().parent(); if (cal.data('colorpicker').livePreview === true) { change.apply(this); } }, change = function (ev) { var cal = $(this).parent().parent(), col; if (this.parentNode.className.indexOf('_hex') > 0) { cal.data('colorpicker').color = col = HexToHSB(fixHex(this.value)); } else if (this.parentNode.className.indexOf('_hsb') > 0) { cal.data('colorpicker').color = col = fixHSB({ h: parseInt(cal.data('colorpicker').fields.eq(4).val(), 10), s: parseInt(cal.data('colorpicker').fields.eq(5).val(), 10), b: parseInt(cal.data('colorpicker').fields.eq(6).val(), 10) }); } else { cal.data('colorpicker').color = col = RGBToHSB(fixRGB({ r: parseInt(cal.data('colorpicker').fields.eq(1).val(), 10), g: parseInt(cal.data('colorpicker').fields.eq(2).val(), 10), b: parseInt(cal.data('colorpicker').fields.eq(3).val(), 10) })); } if (ev) { fillRGBFields(col, cal.get(0)); fillHexFields(col, cal.get(0)); fillHSBFields(col, cal.get(0)); } setSelector(col, cal.get(0)); setHue(col, cal.get(0)); setNewColor(col, cal.get(0)); cal.data('colorpicker').onChange.apply(cal, [col, HSBToHex(col), HSBToRGB(col)]); }, blur = function (ev) { var cal = $(this).parent().parent(); cal.data('colorpicker').fields.parent().removeClass('colorpicker_focus'); }, focus = function () { charMin = this.parentNode.className.indexOf('_hex') > 0 ? 70 : 65; $(this).parent().parent().data('colorpicker').fields.parent().removeClass('colorpicker_focus'); $(this).parent().addClass('colorpicker_focus'); }, downIncrement = function (ev) { var field = $(this).parent().find('input').focus(); var current = { el: $(this).parent().addClass('colorpicker_slider'), max: this.parentNode.className.indexOf('_hsb_h') > 0 ? 360 : (this.parentNode.className.indexOf('_hsb') > 0 ? 100 : 255), y: ev.pageY, field: field, val: parseInt(field.val(), 10), preview: $(this).parent().parent().data('colorpicker').livePreview }; 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return false; }, upHue = function (ev) { fillRGBFields(ev.data.cal.data('colorpicker').color, ev.data.cal.get(0)); fillHexFields(ev.data.cal.data('colorpicker').color, ev.data.cal.get(0)); $(document).unbind('mouseup', upHue); $(document).unbind('mousemove', moveHue); return false; }, downSelector = function (ev) { var current = { cal: $(this).parent(), pos: $(this).offset() }; current.preview = current.cal.data('colorpicker').livePreview; $(document).bind('mouseup', current, upSelector); $(document).bind('mousemove', current, moveSelector); }, moveSelector = function (ev) { change.apply( ev.data.cal.data('colorpicker') .fields .eq(6) .val(parseInt(100*(150 - Math.max(0,Math.min(150,(ev.pageY - ev.data.pos.top))))/150, 10)) .end() .eq(5) .val(parseInt(100*(Math.max(0,Math.min(150,(ev.pageX - ev.data.pos.left))))/150, 10)) .get(0), [ev.data.preview] ); return false; }, upSelector = function (ev) { fillRGBFields(ev.data.cal.data('colorpicker').color, ev.data.cal.get(0)); fillHexFields(ev.data.cal.data('colorpicker').color, ev.data.cal.get(0)); $(document).unbind('mouseup', upSelector); $(document).unbind('mousemove', moveSelector); return false; }, enterSubmit = function (ev) { $(this).addClass('colorpicker_focus'); }, leaveSubmit = function (ev) { $(this).removeClass('colorpicker_focus'); }, clickSubmit = function (ev) { var cal = $(this).parent(); var col = cal.data('colorpicker').color; cal.data('colorpicker').origColor = col; setCurrentColor(col, cal.get(0)); cal.data('colorpicker').onSubmit(col, HSBToHex(col), HSBToRGB(col), cal.data('colorpicker').el); }, show = function (ev) { var cal = $('#' + $(this).data('colorpickerid')); cal.data('colorpicker').onBeforeShow.apply(this, [cal.get(0)]); var pos = $(this).offset(); var viewPort = getViewport(); var top = pos.top + this.offsetHeight; var left = pos.left; if (top + 176 > viewPort.t + viewPort.h) { top -= this.offsetHeight + 176; } if (left + 356 > viewPort.l + viewPort.w) { left -= 356; } cal.css({left: left + 'px', top: top + 'px'}); if (cal.data('colorpicker').onShow.apply(this, [cal.get(0)]) != false) { cal.show(); 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